Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Hey I need 5 people and I'm suspended so I can't talk in party's so send me msg for invite
Looking to do fresh normal run (292 warlock)
Need 4 for fresh run 302 and 297 light
looking to do fresh raid on normal add iitzcinderi
So I'm looking for some help. I'm a 258 warlock with a 310 touch of malice and a 317 Exotic solar sword looking for a carry through normal mode to catch up to my other profiles. Could I get some help? Message GT above for invite.
[quote]315 looking for oryx challenge, any difficulty. Gt same as above[/quote]
298 Titan doing kings fall normal must be 295+ and have mic and experience. Xbox 360 msg for inv at same gt as above
318 Titan with sisters cp message me for an invite
Looking for a group to join to play the Kings Fall raid on Normal. I've never completed it before, but I know how to relatively complete it. I also want to warn others that my internet might be a big discourage for an invite. I apologize. Otherwise if your interested in having me on your fireteam to complete the raid. Send a friend request to " Kerkalicious. " I play on a maxed out bladedancer hunter with 296/298 light. Please, I also request you to be respectful. I'm here to have fun, and meet others. Not to debate on skill, and other nonsense.
317 hunter helping a link friend through the raid. Looking for other worthy guardians for FRESH NORMAL raid. Know what to do or I will guide you.
Experienced player looking for golgoroth cp. Invite THEMADNEZ
293 sun singer looking for fresh run Kings fall. Invite THEMADNEZ
Got 2 lvl 299 looking for first time raid need 4
Newbie looking for fresh start LL 298 Nightstalker Gt same as above pls invite.
need help on kings fall raid first time
need 5 for golgoroth or inv me to one. 307 titan.
need 5 for golgoroth or inv me to one. 307 titan.
311 light titan wanting to do hard mode for first time GT: Swift Oasis i have black spindle and TOM
300+ oryx checkpoint message o Tale o for an invite
Looking for a team, not done kings fall before. PS4 normal raid finder Titan 290
You wanna refer me? And join my clan? Were growing pretty fast and have been here since day one! We'll help you out with raid, trails anything you need to get yourself growing in the guardian community!
Looking to do the raid around 5 or 6pm PST. I've done only the first two parts up to the totems. I can hit 297 light with my Titan. I have a mic and will listen. PS4
Xbox one
Raid noob here, looking to go all the way through any raid tonight. I have a few friends who might be on, but would most likely need 4 or 5 more. I'm a Hunter with 292 light. I have gone through the middle sections of King's Fall once. Would be happy doing any Raid (besides king fall heroic), just need someone who can help me through. Would be getting on around 7pm Central Time. Gamertag is CJ Stormblessed. You can add me or pm me if you're able to help. Thanks!
Taking 4 first time need 2 for toetms gt thelittlejoker
Need two, add me.