Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by szeygvuijo: 11/2/2015 10:55:59 PM294 lock looking to do the raid. I got black spindle if that matters. Inexperienced. I'm on xbox one. Just send me a invite if interested.
Normal golgoroth need 5, I know what to do, but need to finish it, never finished this or the next parts, I understand the next parts but might need some guidance. I'm 297 hunter. Please help, Psn same as above. Ps4 must have mic Don't need to be experienced just know what to do...
Need one for totems normal!
Raid normal, need 3 experienced players, prefer 295+ Add PSN: green_lizard_6
LF 1 person. At oryx CP. Be at least 295 light. Send Austenaco a message in game for a invite
304 warlock Looking to join a team doing a normal FRESH RUN send invite GT: COBRA GTR 88
Need more people for raid normal We need people who know what to do and were in the warp add chickenpirates ps4
Gt: Cruzcible Light: 297 Somewhat inexperienced
LF 2 people. Fresh normal Taken King Raid run. Be at least 295 light and have a mic. Send Austenaco a message in game for a invite.
Edited by DavePosher: 11/2/2015 2:02:23 AMlooking for help taking a first timer through on XB One. @ totems. we have several 300+ but the first is a 278. GT David Posher msg for inv, willing to start at beginning for new players
Ima first timer and need a team please add me on ps4 psn xShaa2Sauceyx
Anyone willing to help me? I have never done the raid. MSG my GT if you wanna help. X1
I have my cousin with me who hasn't done the raid and has no mic Inv GT above if you want to help
Tried the raid for the first time. Got up to oryx but couldn't beat him. I have the checkpoint. I'm a 296 hunter. Ps4. PSN geezrweezr. Asking for help. Thanks guys.
Need 2 293+ on Xbox One for fresh raid. No experience necessary just be willing to listen and take orders.
291 hunter looking for fresh run, have gotten up to Warpriest but not past, gt BlatantPeanut
311 hunter. Looking to help.
Willing to help wherever I'm needed. Titan with Touch of Malice Willing to help teach the raid or assist another teacher Inv the same name as above if interested
Edited by Dontaelee1: 11/1/2015 10:49:19 PM308 warlock willing to help from the start.I've beatn hard mode I have the emblem to prove it. Ps4 gamer tag dontaelee1
Two looking to run fresh normal raid. Gt realzero777
Looking to do Kings Fall Normal raid tomorrow morning 9am pacific. Need 3 to fill team. An experienced raider would be great since the 3 of us have not run it yet. On PS4. Would prefer a patient Sherpa to help us through.
Need one for King Raid ps4 - add almalore @ warpriest now
Today im deciding to help out newbies who has done the raid normal for sure so if u haven't done it ill take you through it
302 hunter looking for kf group gt SPOON I AM
298 warlock looking to join a team for any CP on normal. Send invite. Gt is the same.
Edited by Scallyy93: 11/1/2015 6:20:33 PM240+ light warlock wanting to do any fresh raid Add Scallyy93