Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Help me with this quest Taken war : Mars - fear embrace gamertag X1 JeremeJay
Xbox one golgoroth cp need 5 inbox gt ste sharpshoot
297 hunter at golgoroth. First time doing the raid and this is as far as I got before the group teaching me bailed. Looking for a group to help me from here. PSN above
Need 4 more at oryx cp add psn
Just putting up a reply for later. Anyone wanting to go with 3 (pos 4) noobs (with SOME idea what we're doing) from the warpriest cp at 18:00ish BST send gt Alvin Thwait a message. We're all about the 295-300 light, but whatever you got is fine by us!
Edited by CheerfulPear: 10/12/2015 7:45:13 AM293 hunter lf4 for a fresh run gt CheerfulPear msg for inv Xbox one First time run through would like someone to show us what do to but anyone is welcome
287 hunter looking for a fresh run I have no mic but I listen and play
Edited by GiantFlyingApe: 10/12/2015 6:52:36 AM
303 hunter doing fresh raid. Send message to boriscorpion69. Experienced only.
Need 4 for totem I have a kid that never did the raid but I finished it many times Xbox one Ft: xxnightxraidxxx
Helping someone thru the kings fall raid message bodymaker1980 have a mic Xbox 360
New raider looking for 5 294 warlock
New raider looking for 5 294 warlock
Inv, 290 warlock I have death singer cp
Level 297 hunter looking for golgaroth cp same name as this ps4
294 hunter looking for a fresh run i have no experience but can listen and do my part
296 hunter I have experience on all of it except for oryx add gab232
L ight 290 warlock with experience looking for fresh run. Invite midnightxmare
need 3 for oryx, 295+
Need 3 more for fresh start msg KnWR Rayne for invite running a buddy through first time so newcomers welcome
XBOX1!!! FRESH START! We need three more. Lights 300, 297 and 296. EVERYONE is welcomed. GT: SoulWolf2852 - mics are useful.
- Kings Fall War Priest CP - I need people to help a friend and I with the raid. It will be our first time, so be patient. - Be 290+ - Message gt above
need one more fresh run first timers or whoever message me I got to oryx GT same xboxone mic
Need 295+ Msg ^gt for inv
message me xboxone building a team need two guys I got to oryx I'm a 297 Titan
Light Level 299 Hunter. Never done raid before, but, I have watched videos on how to complete on YouTube. I'm on PS4, PSN: iakopo4.