Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Light Level 299 Hunter. Never done raid before, but, I have watched videos on how to complete on YouTube. I'm on PS4, PSN: iakopo4.
Edited by Joker4205280: 10/12/2015 5:28:41 AMLight lvl 296 Hunter looking to do kings fall for 1st time, have Mic, ready to roll. Inv Darth Dirtibong
Just looking for a fresh start lvl 295 warlock - Gt: Recognnize invite
XBOX ONE!!! ORYX CP - LIGHT 300 Hunter and 295 Hunter - anyone is welcomed - mics are useful. GT: SoulWolf2852
299 warlock looking for FIRST raid. Great at following directions. Inv or msg gt solo oreo
Need one at Glyph Door. We're just doing this part for the chest and calling it a night. We'll take anyone... ANYONE
Gamertag: lpun1sh3dl Class: hunter Level: 296 Console: ps4 cp: golgaroth Looking to joing a team at this point add me and invite me to fireteam :)
Looking for 5 experienced players that wanna do a flawless Crota normal run. Message my gt for invite
need 2 for raid message me on xbox live for invite
First time doing it. 290 light and quick learner. GT: RbX Fuzion
295 warlock I have mic/ I have made it half way but have studied utube vids Invite me and I will join u Gt. Smokenjoe0826 X box 1
295 Titan with war priest cp. never been past that. Need 5 to help the rest of the way. GT ToddJW
Looking for 5 experienced players that wanna do a flawless VOG run. Message my get for invite
I need a team that can help me out/carry me. I've never done the raid but I've seen some of it. Due to certain circumstances, I never got the chance to do it. I'm light level 292 warlock and willing to cooperate to finish my first raid. Please if you can, help me out. Thanks, Destiny Community
296 Warlock. Team left at sisters. Haven't done it all the way but I want to finish it. Ps4 tfkdude89
298 Titan looking for a group. checkpoint and experience up to golgorth. Psn coolstorybro1
2 295 warlocks with mics looking for a group that's willing to help us gain experience with the raid. Add ChaoticCraZe and thanks in advance.
jho_1406 warlock 288. keen to try. ps4
296 Warlock. Team left at sisters. I want to finish it. Ps4 tfkdude89
Need a group to help me run my buddy thru raid I'm 306 hunter he's 292 titan
Ran the raid all the way to oryx, willing to teach newbies for a minute, 300 warlock invite me l, GT is same as username.
Lfg 296 warlock on oryx cp. ign same as above
Newbies need to watch YouTube videos first and foremost. Best way to learn is to watch.
LFG 296 hunter xb1 new to kingsfall GT muggzym187
I need a team that can help me out/carry me. I've never done the raid but I've seen some of it. Due to certain circumstances, I never got the chance to do it. I'm light level 292 warlock and willing to cooperate to finish my first raid. Please if you can, help me out. Thanks, Destiny Community
We need one person, we're at daughters. 295+ Gamertag same as above.