Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
We need one person, we're at daughters. 295+ Gamertag same as above.
Xbox1 fresh run need three. Gt realstyle21
First timer ps4 297 warlock looking to join need to find fragments also.
Ps4 jiro24. Hunter 296 never done kings fall
Looking to join oryx cp. im 296
Edited by SoulSeeker: 10/12/2015 2:50:30 AMLooking to join! First timer here! Titan-292light PS4-SoulSeeker65
Need 2 more. 295+, msg for inv. At Golgoroth checkpoint. XB1, GT is scarello
All welcome for fresh raid. I am a 306 warlock. I need two.
Lfg a group,also my first time I am light level 281 and a Solar Warlock Still on the TOM quest and need to find Fragments too! Send me a message for inv GT same above
Edited by monts213: 10/12/2015 2:51:08 AMI'm looking to join a fireteam for fresh run don't have a mic but I could listen for instructions gone far as golgoroth. Warlock light295 invite monts213 ps4
Edited by LE KEBEKOIS: 10/12/2015 2:49:23 AMNeed a team for gorgoroth cp Xbox 360 gt same as above
295 warlock looking for a group fresh but have good idea of what to do
Looking for one person. We're at totem checkpoint on kings fall. Preferably Titan, message me at xXSacredAngelXx on xbone
292 Hunter GT: JPT x WarReaper Please invite!!
292 warlock on the 360 looking for group to teach me the raid. GT same as above, that's a zero.
Looking to do fresh run of kings fall. Please have a mature attitude and at least 295+. I'm fresh but definitely know what to do. Looking for fellow guardians who haven't done it or have, simply looking to help those who haven't.
Hey everyone, we are two guardians searching a fireteam to do Oryx, we are 300/295 and we already done it before so we know what to do. Looking for a fresh run or a checkpoint it doesn't matter. Gamertag is : WG KrazzyUap
295 LL hunter. Some experience but still new, looking to do the raid. Invite CARIBEEZE xb1
If you need a 6th man 304 warlock here to help out GT is same
helping any teams through 301 hunter just invite me.
Need 5 for Oryx cp
291 warlock looking to do the raid I haven't done it yet and I'd love to learn how add me on ps4:kobrakid227
Edited by bassett93: 10/12/2015 2:23:15 AMLl 290 nighthawk hunter looking to do the raid or the first time have mic and gt same as name I'm on Xbox 1
Looking for 5 , I have golgoroth cp (that's the farthest I've been and it was today), but don't mind starting all over again, add jassiliezar and join or invite me doesn't matter
Edited by Shamrock_80: 10/12/2015 2:23:16 AMI haven't done this raid before and I'm looking to learn. I'm a 290 titan and I'm a quick learner I have watched a few videos so i have a general understanding bit I will still need someone to teach me will join someone. Ps4 psn Above
295 Titan looking to do raid for first time. GT ToddJW