Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
295 Titan looking to do raid for first time. GT ToddJW
Need 5 people who are willing to teach me this raid.Im friendly and I have a mic.I have a 295 hunter with good weapons.I'm on ps4
Starting fresh king's fall raid msg Afro Solja for inv Warlock 295
need 5 for oryx checkpoint that know what they are doing because i dont, my fireteam decided to quit. Add me Spider_kiid78
Looking for people to do kings fall raid at golgorath check point haven't done anything past it 290+ light experienced or not have a mic if you are experienced and wanna help out that'd be much appreciated message for inv name same as above
Edited by Jorge Arbusto: 10/12/2015 2:05:48 AMLooking for a chill group of people to do oryx with on Xbox one. I have the checkpoint. No experience needed, but I don't know what to do so there's that. It's my first time doing it. Gt: xXDragonOmegaXx Msg for invite
Ps3 lvl 296 titan want to do a first time kings fall add LordHamer
I am currently at the final checkpoint before facing oryx i just need one person whos done this before to join my fireteam Add blahhhh2492
~Xbox One~ King's Fall Raid. Guardians: Hunter~304 Warlock~296 Titan~ t(._.t) Need 5 guardians Looking for death singers I have CP Must have at least 300+ light. Hunters & Titans preferred If you invite me to anything other then this, I will leave. Gamertag: Shadowrol Contact me on xbox I know how to do every part of raid.👍
I haven't done the king raid before I am a nightstalker lvl 293 willing to join anyone
Edited by BOOMDANGHOLLA: 10/12/2015 1:52:47 AM293 hunter with mic 295+weapon light Lookin for any game Gt same inv on xbox1
294 warlock. Haven't done kings fall yet but i listen well and learn quick add stompy8813 on the ps4
Hey 294 titan need someone to help me with warpriest and other stuff cause i really want the touch of malice
Hoping to join a group tomorrow. Any subclass Titan mid 290's. I don't suck and i'd really appreciate someone showing me the ropes. Thanks
Looking for 5 guardians, I have golgoroth cp, it's my fist time , I just got here and all my team decided to quit , I don't mind staring from the beginning either , just wana finish the raid , add me jassiliezar
295 hunter seeking to do raid I know what I'm doing just haven't killed oryx yet even have his cp msg my gt
Looking to do raid on xbox one. 295 Hunter. Gamertag same as name
294 Titan looking for fresh start, send invite.
301 warlock looking for fresh run got some experience Invite Gt:TrueSeeker93
295 hunter lf fresh King's Fall. Gt McLeetness.
290+, we are 2 but we never did the raid, we can use some help, on ps4
Fresh start. I've never done the raid looking for people to help me through it. Light level 293 Titan. Gamer tag is Toxic Mods Inc (not a modder just a name)
Looking to do the raid for first time, made it past the first part and these guys just kicked me. I would like to do it eventually any open game invt 295 hunter gt same as above.
301 Warlock looking for fresh run got some experience Invite GT:TrueSeeker93
297 hunter LF group any CP, I know everything except Oryx fight. PSN : xixoucmoi
Edited by X0Terror0X: 10/12/2015 1:29:37 AMChill new group looking for fresh start 290+ light lvl no rage quitters need one more