Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 3 for fresh run I have 2 people who have done raid we need 290+ light get above
I'm looking for a team to help me with Kings Fall. I haven't done it yet so have no experience so I'll need a team willing to teach and have patience. But I have watched some videos so im a little familiar with the mechanics. I'm a 295 nightstalker hunter. I have 298 stillpiercer as my sniper. I've got a machine gun and sleeper simulant at 294. Have a couple of decent primaries (Boolean Gemini at 294) My name is same as above, Mrmic2k14. Anything else you need to know just ask. On a side note, I've done everything else in Destiny. Year 1 player, completed all end game content apart from Kings Fall and have grimoire of 4490. This may not help in Kings Fall or be important but at least you know I'm experienced.
Looking for 4. We're at gorgoroth, looking for more to help us out. We haven't been past this boss so experience would help.
Lvl 34 warlock looking to join a group to run the raid have another person with me add gt rhyssilva
Looking for a whole squad never done kings fall msg me if interested. For ps4 players
Me and a friend are helping people thru the raid have sniper 290+ ps4 add and join
Kings Fall need 5 people for oryx msg me BossKiller618 and must know what u are doing and must be light lvl 294 or higher Msg me KNOW WHAT TO DO
Looking for oryx cp 306 light little experience
Helping need 2 290+ have sniper
need 1 for oryx GT boway3 xbox1
Need 2 golgoroths cellar check point add and join jaymoneyb_
Msg me for oryx light lvl 294 or higher and knows what to do Msg me BossKiller618 let's try to do oryx really fast remember Msg me for inv
I have 287 light on my hunter and would like to do the kings raid fresh if possible so I can try for some of the raid gear as we move along through the checkpoints, please help gt is same as above
http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 RaidHelp101 is a clan of skilled, dedicated raiders who work together daily, helping the community complete Destiny's end game content. Console Xbox One Checkpoints Fresh runs begin at Annihilator Totems and end killing Oryx. We also run Oryx checkpoints for those who need it. Requirements Follow us on twitch http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 Join us on stream and wait to get pulled via raffle (best way to keep it fair) Have a Mic or Kinect and be at least light level 280. Founder IMA EATurSOUL Members https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Xbox/780007 Follow To stay connected with when we will be helping raid follow us here http://www.twitch.tv/raidhelp101 and here https://twitter.com/RaidHelp101 Clan Leader Stats https://www.bungie.net/en/Grimoire/1/4611686018429570004/Activities/Raids?_unlocked=False
Titan 297. Raid experience , looking to do Oryx. GT - I Empiire
Lookin for 2 me and a friend are helping people thru have sniper and try to be close to 290+
4 more people for raid XBOX ONE 290+
need 2 for Fresh Kings fall NOOBS NEVER DONE THIS RAID PLEASE HELP :3 message Blaming Lag for invite :)
297/8 Hunter - XBOX ONE I'm planning on doing the raid now, NEED 3 if you want to join add KhoRRo9 if you cant make that, feel free to add me so we can try another time though.
293 titan Xxcrazykilla26x Wrinkling to learn
Warlock 295 looking for a team to join psn gt above
296 Titan wanting to learn Xbox one GT Heavyarms29
Need 1 mor be 290+ gt above
Teaching kings raid to people that havent tried it or beat it yet.295+ only Msg hipp02044 for inv
Need one more for fresh run
297 hunter looking for raid team GT is same as name I have experience