Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need three to help carry my two friends at oryx they understand just haven't finished. I Have touch of malice
Edited by Ghoulish_Arab: 10/11/2015 11:13:16 PMLooking for 5, fresh. Level 296 Warlock on PS4, with a general basis of what to do. Just looking for people who want to have fun and get it done. Experience isn't required, but it'd sure be nice. Just know what to, all I ask. Name as above.
Edited by NFFC_B3LSHAW93: 10/11/2015 11:16:25 PMNeed 1 for sisters cp add NFFC_B3LSHAW93 ps4
Xb1 Kings fall raid checkpoint Oryx boss fight looking for 5 Guardians message SHOOTOKILL FTW for invite
looking for three for fresh start
Never did this raid before 294 hunter willing to do a,fresh run so I can learn GT the same
Never done the raid 293 light hunter invite me if you want to teach me please Xbox 360 gamer tag same as name
294 warlock gt Lucian090 lf group for kings fall
Kings Fall: Golgoroth Looking for 4 others lol xP Just have mic and be talkative Quite lobbies are boring Cx lol Xbox 360. FearfulxMoon. MSg for inv
292 titan looking to do the raid for the first time, good at taking instructions. Just want some raid gear now. Lend a helping hand please! GT scarello, pls inv. XBOX ONE
Need 4
294 Warlock need Warpriest checkpoint XBOX ONE invite
Need 4 people for oryx cp must know what to do msg me for invite
Need Raid...have exp through Golg...298 Warlock...Have warpriest chkpt but will start fresh...pls add PSN: t_mactx
Golgoroth cp xb1 msg for inv 4 spots left
Edited by arl1n: 10/11/2015 11:00:34 PMPs4 295 Void Titan looking to do raid for the first time, can anybody help me out?? Add arl1n
I have golgoroth cp need 5 msg for inv
Edited by Scopes: 10/11/2015 10:54:45 PMNeed 4 for fresh start 293+ message Kasper 375 for invite
292 titan looking to do the raid for the first time, good at taking instructions. Just want some raid gear now. Lend a helping hand please! GT scarello, pls inv. XBOX ONE
Need 2 more for Golgoroth's Cellar Add me PSN: Dominator4SP
I'm a 301 hunter I have completed the raid 7 times I'm looking to help others learn the raid message me doingurwaffles3
Need 4, golgoroth cp msg for inv
294 warlock looking for first run, experienced player just never have enough friends on at the same time to do Kings Fall
294 hunter msg or inv gt same as above
Edited by ex makima: 10/11/2015 10:44:26 PMAnybody wanna help me I have the daughters cp add:milulo2468 btw on PS4
Edited by Scarello: 10/11/2015 10:53:48 PM292 titan looking to do the raid for the first time, good at taking instructions. Just want some raid gear now. Lend a helping hand please! GT scarello, pls inv. XBOX ONE