Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Scarello: 10/11/2015 10:53:48 PM292 titan looking to do the raid for the first time, good at taking instructions. Just want some raid gear now. Lend a helping hand please! GT scarello, pls inv. XBOX ONE
Edited by xDa1Bomb3x: 10/11/2015 10:47:18 PMTwo for raid Same same. Hunter/ warlock 297/292 Xbox one.
My 294 friend and I are looking for a raid team for 1st time but we have seen how it's done and understand it add miketiko123 if interested
I'm a 289 warlock and I'm fairly good at destiny however I've not gotten round to trying the new raid yet and would like to do it, so it would be nice to get a fireteam together who could help me out Gt: teamtoner Pls invite thanks Xbox one
305 titan looking to help first timers through the raid
Need 2 for golgoroth checkpoint. No experience needed, we are also learning how to do the raid ourselves. Also it would be nice if you are social and not afraid to talk because it's more fun that way :). Message me for invite. 290+ please
Edited by boomdoom2020: 10/11/2015 10:42:28 PMXbox one Lf raid I have golgoroth cp inv gt above 290 light Inexperinced
On PS4, PSN:RosStick have got to oryx, would like to join a group at him. I fairly know what to do. Light is 297/299
29p warlock Lf raid I am inexperienced and I have golgoroth cp Inv gt above
Xbox 360 kings fall daughters inv msg coolwillinater for inv
Ps4 lvl 40 Hunter light 212 I definitely could use help all around still new to the game as for joining a clan as long as there is no constraints on how active I need to be sign me up I am truck driver I get on when I can I'll be on until 11pm central thanks
Need 4 for fresh start 293+ you don't need to know why your doing but have a understanding :) message Kasper 375 for invite
2 inexperienced players at gorgoroth, would love some help.
301 Titan looking for help to finish the raid for the first time,, I have oryx cp,, Gt as above on XB1
This is my first time but I am at golgoroth cp and need 5 msg for inv gt above Need at least one experienced person
289 Warlock looking to do fresh run Experienced raider from previous DLCs. Need a little help with this one. Thanks for consideration. Message Devil Dragon338
293 Titan looking for fresh start. No experience with this raid. Xbox one.
RAIDING PARTY ACHIEVEMENT: -need 5 -any light level -will do any raid
Hunter looking for a raid group xbox 1 message (etchy yo77)
lvl 40 Hunter light 208 ps4 despite lvl I am still new and don't know anything so up for anything so long as I learn thanks
Need 1 more for fresh run we have people who have done it have 290+ light get above
Need help with kings fall raid, on Ps4 add msg join
Need one for nightfall strike plz add as above
Need three more for fresh kings fall raid. We need at least one person that has done it before. We have experience but not have done at all the way through. Ps4 tfkdude89 we need your help!!!
Have Deathsingers CP 297 hunter Psn SC300591
looking for fresh run 292 hunter - some what experienced psn: ace-demon15