Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
looking for fresh run 292 hunter - some what experienced psn: ace-demon15
Looking for five fresh start Message Defiler17 for inv or if you've got a group and an open slot, 290+ if possible I'm 293 and this is for 360
XBOX ONE Need one more for Daughters of Oryx CP, mic is useful, anyone can join, hurry! We are in game. GT: SoulWolf2852
Looking for one last player. At totems, 290 minimum must have experience Add bigdanmatth
Looking for a FRESH Raid. Helping a friend out. Hunter 294 Warlock 305 Titan 299
Looking to join fire team for fresh run. Level 271 warlock. GT: Mop Hop
295 Warlock looking to finish the raid. Will do fresh. Have beaten Warpriest but not Golgoroth. Ps4 - tfkdude89.
Need 1 more 305 Titan 304 Titan 303 Titan 293 warlock 292 warlock at totems
Looking for four to start a fresh run on Xbox one gt same as above message for invite this is first time run and fresh send message for invite
291 Hunter looking for group to help me through my 1st raid, add me, same name as above
Ps4 looking for help in kings fall raid add shorte2724
300 Hunter looking for a run. Only been as far as golgoroth. Have Mic and can hold my own. Gt Elijay2k12.
294 Titan LF Kings fall Gt: Sneko ( Xbox one )
301 Titan with Oryx CP, looking to complete for first time,, GT as above for invite
First time raid. PSN SCUBASTEVE8992
Oryx cp Xbox 360 Want to beat him the first time and need some help need 5
295 Warlock looking to finish the raid. Have beaten Warpriest but not Golgoroth. Ps4 - tfkdude89.
292 Hunter, GT JPT x WarReaper No mic sorry, will join anyone.
292 hunter looking for people to do raid with. never finished it before but have got to gorogoth. fast leaner. PSN: Ace-demon15
Lf 3 on ps4 for totems cp. 2 of the players are first time on the raid.
Need 3 please be 290 plus Contact: King_Monkey_Man_ to join
292 Hunter, GT JPT x WarReaper No mic sorry, will join anyone.
294 Warlock need a fire team for kings fall first timer gt: dabodycollector
296 hunter. Still trying to finish up the raid. I've completed everything except goloroth, second puzzle, and oryx.
Looking to attempt the raid. I have never done it before. Level 296 warlock. Xbox one gt ngstahl
Need 3 for golgoroth msg BossKiller618 must be light lvl 294+ and know what to do