Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 3 for golgoroth msg BossKiller618 must be light lvl 294+ and know what to do
Need 2 for the power of glyph checkpoint on Xbox one message Senpai himself for inv
Need experienced people with mics willing to help first timer have golgorloth cp ps3 add myztic-rouge as well please
need one for warpriest msg gt above
Need exotic chest checkpoint Gt:furrer10 Will easily beat second half of the raid I have the touch of malice Please send inv
292 Hunter, GT JPT x WarReaper No mic sorry, will join anyone.
297 Titan looking for oryx cp. never done it before
Looking for one rookie, we already havev5 send r8erfan10 a message
306 Hunter with multiple completions looking to join any ps4 groups who may need help completing the raid for the first time.
292 Warlock on the 360 looking for a group. I just hit 290 today and havent tried the raid yet. Any help appreciated. GT C0deNegative (that's a zero)
On daughters cp looking for new people willing to help gt same as above
Looking to raid. Level 284 hunter. Never ran before but quick learner Xbox one gt same
296 hunter, done it up to daughters and watched video for rest xb1 gt cklee85
Need 2 more for raid add rudesnakeboi havent done it b4
Need one gol cp 295+ Gt above
3 more ps4 we never done raid add rudesnakeboi
289 Titan never done it yet invite gt scatmanvan
Need 3 msg OMGitzCryptic 290+
Never completed the raid, looking for experienced players. Currently have 3 players, 298 Titan, 298 Titan, and a 289 Hunter. Add TrevorNorris15
300 light Titan willing to help first timers out XBOX ONE GT:TheKnight1724
296 hunter Ps4, dasbraune
Edited by jakeg227: 10/11/2015 8:59:45 PM307 hunter looking to help a new raid group. I can only help for a little while but add jakeg227 if interested ps4
Looking for 2 guardians to walk 3 thru raid. Have never finished kings raid yet. Quick learners. Psn: socalilb33 Thnx guys
Looking for raid team first timer add neesy69 light 292 warlock
light 295 hunter on xbox one invite grimm 852
Need 2 more for kings fall we are passed potigo message TilT FiT for invite