Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
light 296 hunter first attempt at raid invite grimm 852
293 titan ready for fresh start. First time doing the raid but I am experienced and will catch on very quickly trust me. Invite GT above
Edited by SpaceN1nja: 10/11/2015 8:38:00 PM294 warlock looking to run the raid for the first time. Willing to learn and have mic. Add austin320
Looking for 3 292+ for fresh run. Helping two friends who havent done it yet. Must have mic and patience. Starting in 15 min. Add chickenpollo92
Edited by SVO MUSTANG: 10/11/2015 8:37:02 PMHave 2 for fresh run on kings fall. 295 hunter and 295 titan. Both have beat golgroth. Looking to complete it this time. Invite SVO Mustang on xbl
First time raider I learn quick, please add psn hunt_ninja24
Need a team to inv me to warpriest cp or oryx I'm 292 hunter looking to beat it on my last character inv me gt same as above
Looking for a fresh run, 296 Hunter. This will be my first time running through the raid in case anyone has an issue with that. Ive seen each fight and the mechanics involved but I may take 1 or 2 tries. Anyone willing to help out is appreciated! GT: Ninjabutters
Need 2 for Golgoroth CP. Message: agent felix118
Ps4 light level 299 lock, never done raid but have watched videos. Inv Feinar on psn
Looking for 3 people to start a fresh run Gt-quinnfury
Need 4 at daughters pls have some what of an understanding of what to do if not will explain
Need 2 for raid gt revolution
Lf fresh start 294 Titan 290 hunter Msg gt above
I'm a 294 warlock with oryx checkpoint, looking for people to finish it with. I'm on ps4
Looking to do the raid for the first time 294 warlock Xbox 360, if I can get some with some experience so me and someone else can learn it would be very appreciated
Edited by kkontroll: 10/11/2015 8:30:22 PMNeed 4 for fresh run ps4 add kkontroll .. Full
Doing the raid with some people who are doing this for the first time. I am a 306 warlock. Feel free to join, msg me on xbox. NEED 3. GT: KANKAH PIPO
looking for 3 on golgrath cp xbox1 feel free to join gt boway3
Looking for 3 for golgoroth cp message me for inv
lvl 296 hunter looking for fresh run on ps4. new to this raid. help would be appreciated.
Need 1 need to be 300+!!! Message XTF Shadows for inv also must have done it before Xbox 360 only
Titan 295+. I haven't done kings fall raid yet. Looking to start a fresh one with a group. Add nate_dogg73 PS4
293 Titan have golgoroths cp need team have done raid before on other character msg for once and have good dps and know what to do
Gt same as name looking for fresh
Edited by kkontroll: 10/11/2015 7:59:49 PM295 titan, have multiple completions on other characters, have touch of malice......wanting to help others that want to learn . Looking for fresh run ps4. add kkontroll