Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Normal mode level 297 (can be 300) warlock need warpriest cp invite Spawn Inception.
Two inexperienced Titans looking to do kings fall raid for first time. We're fast learners and have done all previous raids hundreds of times. 290 and 294 light. Respond here or invite me in game. Gt: Mr Veazie
Edited by Kain0: 11/1/2015 2:55:37 AM295 hunter Have not tried kings fall yet TASTE-THE-KAiN Ps4.
307 & 300 lock plus 302 Hunter LF fresh normal raid. Msg Kelshtar.
307 lock and 302 Hunter LF fresh normal raid. Msg Kelshtar.
Need 3 for normal fresh. Some chill people to do it with. Knowing what to do is a plus but not required. xXDragonOmegaXx for invite
300 hunter with oryx cp, have not completed looking for first win gt venomousduck001
Hosting fresh kings fall normal 300+ add aliance_2
Need 3 for normal fresh. Some chill people to do it with. Knowing what to do is a plus but not required. xXDragonOmegaXx for invite
290 titan looking for a team to join fresh start Misfit Eddie is my gamer tag
Looking to do raid add jpacheco004
looking for raid add me
I can usually find good groups on here. I've done it a couple times, I just want a chill group. and to have a good time. I'm looking for a fresh run on normal. I'm a 303 Hunter. My gt is same as above.
Looking to go threw first time beaten other raids just haven't attempted this one help me out add ladderman110
Looking to do raid for the first time. Needs help Msg: beetle151200
300 lock lf normal kf. Gt same as above. Xbox 1
293 warlock looking to get thru the raid with a good team. Would prefer a golgaroth cp but doesn't have to be. Plz invite wenzified
At golgoroth normal, I know mostly what to do up to witches but not oryx part. Need 4-5 ppl.
lvl 295 on xbox360 i have only gotten up to the place where 2 people have to stand under a totem i also dont really like to talk but i will listen to instructions well im also looking to join a fireteam not make one myself gt same as above but i would rather have you reply on this
Need one at Totems Gametag same as above. We have experience
Looking for 4 people to run the raid 290+. No experience required. Have a Mic and willing to help. Psn tezz112
Warlock light lvl 295 done raid half way want to actually beat it need help Psn =Dredd_Omega310
Im a 290 titan looking for a raid have done it on my hunter fr plz
I am a 299 titan with experience Looking for King's Fall Raid normal Please add PSN: Shmelb
anyone have golgoroth cp ps4? done it before and need the fragments after beating him!