Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
295 warlock invite me. Xbox one
295 warlock invite me.
Need a fresh run, in a 191 warlock with raising experience, I'm on 360 any help would be great thanks gt is the same
Looking to do kings fall for first time 5 player or to be invited to a fireteam invite or add gamertag InfamouZ JoJo xbox one
360- 290 warlock Haven't done the raid at all but I can listen Gt is Narutoman52
292 warlock. Havent done raid but Would like to ! Im a good player with tons of raiding exp
I'm looking to do my first kings fall raid on ps4 light 299 add npugz7
Fresh raid. Helping a buddy through his first raid. Need 4. Please be patient. Message Barnzey303 for invite
Invite me for raid I've done up to the sisters n know how to kill them...
Looking for oryx check point light 295 Titan have done it havnt beaten it got his health to a quarter know what I'm doing
Kings fall Oryx Cp need 5 295 light+
Looking for fresh raid 290 light inv me gt : onedropfamily
Hi guys, never run Oryx yet, 1st timer. I'm not stupid, can listen and would really appreciate some help running it with someone who know what they're going.. 294 Titan on PS4 Dan1978 Much appreciated. Thanks.
Need two more to start a raid in a few hours, we are all first time and would like people who know nothing about the raid, or people who won't spoil the experience for us, while we try and figure it out, message me on Xbox one if your interested, light level doesn't really matter around 290, we are all around 295, gt JamDogJam
Need 4 for fresh run or warpriest. xX1UnHoly3Xx. On x1
292 hunter looking to do kings fall for the first time. GT is FinnTheHuman526 (xbox360)
need 4 for golgrath and on from there first time going through but have an idea what is going on GT Boway3
Looking to fo fresh raid on ps4 Light 299 Have exotic sword and sleeper simulant Add: Moi-Oi-Oi
299 hunter. xbox1. looking to join a fresh run or war priest cp. gt same as above
First timer looking for raid group. 298 Warlock. Just give me instructions and I'll follow. Add suzzak09 PS4
291 warlock Gt is KSI AUSTROCITY XB360 need a full team
For those you who have beaten the raid, this message isn't for you. I'm helping ppl with the raid, teaching them the Mechanics of the raid. I would prefer it you would have a decent sniper and scout, but if not we can try and work around that. Feel free to add me Gt: Enix Zro
Looking to do kings fall first time, have been up to sisters, warlock 294
Edited by Bac2school: 10/11/2015 5:10:45 PM295 lock looking for fresh or after first jumping puzzle. Inv bac2school on xbone
Message me if you need help with a part I can't help for too long but I'll try to help with a part or two message me for help gt is mrch0riso
Looking to do kf raid not done it yet!hunter light level 298 I'm on Xbox one gt SPOON I AM