Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to do kf raid not done it yet!hunter light level 298 I'm on Xbox one gt SPOON I AM
Edited by MrCheeks: 10/11/2015 5:07:57 PMLooking to do the raid Titan 292 - Tarooq_91(PS4)
297 Titan with oryx cp. lfg to help gt same as above
290 titan with sleeper simulant looking for fresh team
Looking to do raid. 297 hunter with good sniper. I know what to do. Gt: CrimsonTide086
Fresh run. 291 warlock. Inv Jinaripper. I have ran a couple times.
Looking for 4 more people on Wp checkpoint..never fully beat the raid. xX1UnHoly3Xx x1
294 warlock looking for fresh or warpriest
Hosting kings fall, golgoroth checkpoint, 290+, message for inv, Xbox 360, this is my first time :/, must have mic :3
297 warlock Looking to do first time kings fall Very experienced in other raids. I've watched the guide for this one so pretty sure I know what to do Add jamie1452 Ps4
Need one more for sisters. Message WorriedSinger. #xboxone
Xbox Need 4 Raid gt ste sharpshoot
Me and my girlfriend are looking for people who's never done the raid (ps4) Send me a friend request Obamabinlagging
Looking for one more person who is 290+ for raid (at Golgoroth CP). Message me on xbox one. GT: Ix UK pkmn xI
[b][/b]NEED 4 PlAYERS FOR Raid Must have experience Gt STE SHARPSHOOT Xbox one Plz join Plz be mature Ive done MANY times
Edited by jamie1452: 10/11/2015 4:32:47 PM297 warlock haven't run before kings fall I've watched the guide how to do it so I at least know abit what to do I'm very experienced with the other 2 raids! Would like to give it ago with someone who's knows the raid Ps4 Add jamie1452
XB1 Im a 295 Titan here with the oryx cp could not beat it last night and really wanna do it today. Never beat him yet. But know the mechanics of it. Message seals84 for invite. Just want a cool fireteam to finish this bastard. Patience is a must!!!!!
Need 4 for gulgoroth message for inv on Xbox live
294 Hunter looking for Raid grp! Gametag: FIazz XBone
2 hunters ; 295 and 293 Light looking to do the raid for the first time. If interested and willing to help/join us: Msg me on Xbox One Gt: ZeroPlus93
296 hunter looking to get farther in the raid. I've been as far as the CP after jumping the ships.
Edited by meepr dib: 10/11/2015 4:23:59 PMWait [i]is this real?[/i] ad meh plz need to complete the raid Xbone meepr dib
Edited by Husqvarna8282: 10/11/2015 4:09:53 PM297 Titan looking for raid.
Looking to do a fresh raid for Kings Fall hunter 289 light looking for anyone to join thats interested on xbox one GT tornado giraffe
I'm on ps4 and am light 299 I would like someone to guide me through the raid please?
Only made it to the golgoroth checkpoint but willing to help out others XBOX ONE Gamertag:[b][i] SaradoxTheEpicz[/i][/b] I am a[b] HUNTER[/b] with [b] NIGHTSTALKER CLASS[/b] [b]Light level 290[/b]