Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Oryx CP I am light 294 Hunter Looking for people to guide me through it 294+ Sammyboii12 Ps4
Fresh run need 1 more. Message WorriedSinger. #xboxone
looking to join a raid party, ps4 gt same as above
**PS4** Need 5 for Kings fall. I've never done the raid before so I'd appreciate some help. I'm a light level 293 titan. Experienced or not, feel free to join me. Same psn as above.
295 hunter raiding for first time. Username brandon_rios25
Looking to run. Gt same as above
Need 1 for deathsingers Gt Vcoy X
looking to do raid for first time willing to learn have mike psn woodvillan
295 warlock looking to do raid. gotten up to war priest and willing to learn. xbox one same as name
me (Lemon Zaz) and UCLK are looking to do the raid. Both on Xbox one
Got all the way to the daughters yesterday for the first time and raid group had to leave. Haven't fully completed yet if anyone is willing to help! I'll even go through fresh ! 294 Warlock GT theitalianpolok
297 Warlock. Looking to raid. Don't have a mic but I can listen PSN:Hyhats.
xbox 360 first time kings fall looking for a team to get me through. i am 297 warlock GT is fatttboy69
286 Titan have done raid every week on hunter only want to do up to war priest inv me gt^
293 Titan experienced raider. Nvr done King but know the basics msg Prozakmilkshake
Can someone inv me to raid!! GT Richard Napthen Level 290 but I'm good!! Just give me a shot
295 Hunter looking for fresh run invite Vittitow on Xbox One.
Ps4 Warlock 297/8 Looking to run raid for first time.
298 warlock Xbone Gt TERTLEMAN72
Need 3 for raid gorgoth message me for invt get same as above 300 light+
Have oryx cp need 5 players 290+ add choogy-toc ps4
Looking to join a raid party ps4 add ReVoKcX30
292 titan Gt: CrAsHnDaSh777 Send invite
296 warlock looking to do kings fall gt bluefalconghost
Need three for totems and warpriest message Smearcats xbox one to join. Can be noob its okay :D
Looking for 1 more experienced person for killing skolas in house of wolves, message gt sdturtle1023 on xboxone