Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 3 more people for golgorth cp with mic light lvl 285+ ADD ME FOR INV GT my name and know what to do
Warlock looking for raid party lvl 289 fist time
Looking to do raid. 297 Warlock. Gt same as above
Titan looking for a group...291 light gt same as above
Titán looking for a group lvl 296 light
Need 4 people for raid. I've done raid once but friend has yet to do it. Light 300 and 296
On 360 good at raiding just haven't had time to do kings fall. I know the mechanics but I'm only a 294 warlock.
Macca45 - Looking to get some raid experience. Warlock at 296.
Need 3 never done the raid message on Xbox live
First run on kings fall. Probably only time ill ever run it. Anyone who has done the raid and knows what to do, back me up. Gt the same. Need 4
Xbox one. never done raid before or watched anything on it (dont want to spoil it) looking for help with first clear. 293 hunter message MisterGoggles
I have a death singers checkpoint I need 5 more join me! Psn: mnick2000
I'm 295 titan looking to join daughter cp I've never done it before so looking for a team who will help me true it
I have daughters of oryx cp never done it send friend request to DonNathan09
(XBOX ONE) Never done raid before but want to learn how 290 light warlock Good weapons Got a mic Will listen GT - Stashnaklov
Xbox one, Need 1 more for fresh run, message gt: TheZebraCake
need 3 more for fresh raid add and join PSN : babasako
Looking for team for raid
Need 4 for raid never done the raid before message for invite
Edited by Skull: 10/11/2015 1:37:50 PM
First time Kings Fall Raid, I would like some help lol add Eatencap
293 light Titan looking to do the raid for the first time (without getting kicked after the ship part lmao) please add psn: babasako and invite
294 Titan look for fresh run new to raid
Need one more
297 titan i have oryx cp point need goid team to finish raid Add sallenator
Taken king noob looking to go through for the first time 290 Titan please message Godfather5040 have mic