Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Taken king noob looking to go through for the first time 290 Titan please message Godfather5040 have mic
Oryx cp need some exp players i 297 titan need 5 plyrs Add sallenator
We need two more 290+ message THE ICE MAN 133
Need 3 more people for golgorth cp with mic light lvl 285+ add me for inv GT my name and know what to do ps3
Edited by Videeit: 10/11/2015 1:27:50 PM188 hunter with 189 warlock need raid inv Videeit Xbox One
I have a death singers checkpoint I need 5 more join me! Psn: mnick2000
290 hunter done up to warpriest, any checkpoint
293 titan looking to run raid for the first time. Xbox one. Message for invite or invite please.
292 titan Invite: S_DANIEL1998
Does anyone have daughters cpand need one more invite me xbox one chrismackenzie2
How goes it I have 3 for a fresh raid also I'm willing to teach also scottyoc psn hit me up
297 warlock first time running raid got a mic PSN IMrSmith92
Invite Deathscarpenter. Thanks
Looking to do kings fall for first time. 293 light. Add Gnarkiller_11 Cheers
292 titan looking for a crew to fight Add me :S_DANIEL1998
Titan and hunter looking for a fireteam. We have golgoroth cp. Add unfilteredwheat
290 hunter first time, need any checkpoint from warpriest
295 titan haven't done raid yet would like to. Invite me to your game. Thanks.
294 Hunter up for helping with Kings Fall. Done all but not Oryx. Will have to leave part way so only a temp. Invite me on Xbone, gt OcRz Cliche
295 warlock. Looking for group to run raid currently at war priest CP I know what tho do here and golgoroth but haven't done daughters or Oryx yet feel free to invite/msg/add me Gamertag: SickWitDaThumb
296 titan add me fusion422710
Cp sisters need 5 light lvl 291+(Xbox One) I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite
Edited by ramza109: 10/11/2015 12:38:41 PMIm a titan light lvl 301 need 4 more to do a fresh run willing to take new starters through and teach them wat to do add ramza109 ps4
Wir suchen noch 3 deutschsprachige Spieler für den Raid, fresh Run! Erfahrung braucht ihr keine haben. Level sollte so 287 288 sein.
PSN Xtreme-G-Racer Warlock 296 Light
293 warlock looking to do the raid for the first time. Gamer tag same as above.