Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
293 warlock looking to do the raid for the first time. Gamer tag same as above.
294 Titan looking for Fresh start. First time doing raid. On PS4 Add LineMan052
Cp sisters need 3 light lvl 291+(Xbox One) I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite
Oryx CP need 5 never done Oryx but want to learn ID is SmoknFromShootn please be 295 and up and be patient lol
295 hunter lfg
294 Titian lfg for fresh ( first timer here ) GT same as name
Looking to do first time light 297 Titan invite me cptndoomsday Ps4
I have a check point for deathsingers need 5 players Xbox one - alexcowell2
Edited by SiloJohnson: 10/11/2015 12:18:09 PMNeed easy going group for sisters cp. 298 warlock w mic, no exp beyond daughters. Trying to finish first run this morning. Have cp if needed. Gt same as above. Xb1
299 hunter looking to join fresh raid or war priest cp. xbox1. msg before inviting me pls.
Hunter 295 looking for a fresh raid or first check point, have a mic Psn:DavJero
I have daughters cp. I dont know how to do it. Need 5 and someone who can teach. Add me
First time running raid need group. Walking_dead99
294 warlock looking to do a raid for the first time. Can anyone help ? Add Peniro28 (ps4)
Lvl 295 need oryx checkpoint gt dsg92
Looking to join a raid team. I haven't beat oryx but I have done the rest of the raid.. I'm a warlock level 296. Add killapenguins and send me an invite.. PS4
Cp sisters need 3 light lvl 291+(Xbox One) I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite
I have sisters check point, from starting the raid other night for the first time so never done it before, I'm on Xbox one GT vvCatwomanxx
291 warlock looking to do the raid for the first time Gamertag: a pish heid
296 Warlock starting fresh run, my first run, message x NRG Tactics x for an invite. Xbox One
Need 1 more fresh run Psn Mrdibbles
2 people looking to jump in on fresh kings fall raid. 1 warlock and 1 Titan. Or 4 more people to join us to start. Message iNobby7
299 hunter looking for fresh kings fall raid on 360. I've never done it before but I have a mic and am a quick learner. Done vog and ce plenty of times. My gt is illusivesamurai
294 Titian lfg for fresh ( first timer here ) GT same as name
Looking for warpriest cp Titan 300 light experienced GT is same as above
Looking for fresh run 290 hunter, first time have mic. PlayStation 4. PSN: Dark230