Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
anyone have golgoroth cp ps4? done it before and need the fragments after beating him!
Looking to do raid normal level 302 titan add jpachec004 on ps4
LF 3 people at least 295 light. Fresh run Taken King Raid. Message Austenaco in game for a invite, please have a mic
GAMERTAG: yurfajah GAME: Kings Fall/ Fresh Run / Normal Mode GOAL: Looking for 4 players 295 light and above. Trying to help a friend achieve good equipment. STATS: lvl.40 305 light TITAN. Completed the raid multiple times. Thanks for reading
Need 3 for normal fresh run message for inv. Gt same.
1 hunter 296 lf group of to run raid. No one under 18. I have no experience with kf, have mic, and some pretty cool weapons that might good to kill things in raid. Gt same as before. Ps4
Anyone willing to take a warlock 296 for kf raid first run?! If so please inv. thanks
Would anyone be willing to help me with the normal raid? 294 hunter Thanks in advance! psn: Call_me_Deej_
Need 2 for fresh run on normal, msg GT above for inv
Need to run fresh raid. Gt realzero777
[quote]Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that... We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes... Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack.... Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on.... Or message INSANEWINKY for invite to Dark ark survivors clan... good bunch of guardians always willing to help each other with raids quests etc http://darkarksurvivors.weebly.com/contacts.html ********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ******** Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo[/quote] First timer looking for help add me 290 titan
Need 3 for fresh NORMAL KF raid Must have mic and know what you're doing 1st come first served Add whysoplur on ps4
Looking to do a KF Raid Fresh. I have some experience. Please add or reply to this post. PS4
Lvl 298 hunter Looking for fresh Xbox one
301 hunter Looking for sisters cp on normal never done the raid before it's still my first time Xb1 gt j quay
Need 4 more for raid have xp. Jon_Solo22 ps4
Sealing the blade. Final step. Solar blade. message cobraball2002 for invt xb1
At Golgoroth need 1. Have a couple of fresh guardians with me. PSN Odokwan
LF a group that does raids on weekend nights. Im new to PS4 and Destiny. 293 titan, have a mic, on EST, and willing to learn. Message me at PSN: TundraXWolf
Warlock Lvl 296 and a titan lvl 293 Looking for a Group to do the raid the First time on xbox one invite edmiral1 and NatsuDragnel444
294 hunter Fresh
Need 2 for oryx cp. Have one fresh guardian with in the team so please be patient. PSN Odokwan
Edited by EPicGamertag171: 10/26/2015 9:41:24 PM292 warlock invite me please gt above xbox one
Fresh on normal. Gt same as above. Xbox 360
I'm looking for a group doing Oryx cp (normal raid) on PS4. I haven't done oryx before but I've done the rest of raid. I'm 301 light with Spindle, Elulim's Frenzy (raid rocket) and 307 Hung Jury. I'm a fast learner and i can do a lot of damage.