Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for fresh run 290 hunter, first time have mic. PlayStation 4. PSN: Dark230
Looking for help with kings fall need 4 msg on xbox for inv Gt same as above
Cp sisters need 5 light lvl 291+(Xbox One) I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite
Need 3 PS4 fresh run, don't think anyone has xp Psn Mrdibbles
xbox1. 299 hunter. looking to join a fresh run or war priest. know what to do. msg before inviting me pls.
Edited by CHlNZ: 10/11/2015 11:55:34 AMNeed two. Any xp. We are taking new people through the raid... Msg for invite. Chinnzy
Need two. Any xp. We are taking new people through the raid... Msg for invite. Chinnzy
296 warlock looking for fresh raid, going to be honest and state I'm raid Virgin but highly experienced at shooting stuff in the face! Have a mic and can listen to instructions... Send invite to GT as above
296 warlock looking for orax cp Inv RAYgone
Need 4 people for golgorth cp with mic light lvl 285+ add me for inv GT my name
fresh run, first time. lvl 293 titan GT i Lukas
299 hunter. xbox1. looking for fresh or war priest. gt same as above.
Does Anyone have warpriest cp and need one more xbox one invite me chrismackenzie2
Edited by Yukk1Sky: 10/11/2015 11:39:22 AMNeed 4 for raid Ps4-msg dlazzsam
Am a Titan, light level 289 can run any subclass, have done VoG and crota loads of times and looking to do the new raid from fresh for the first time. Will need some guidance if possible please. Am on the mic and a good player. Please add me if you need me: mat-wright
Looking for a team to do the raid. I have the glyph checkpoint. I'm pretty new to this so I'm still learning the processes in the raid. So would be a great help if players that have already done the raid would be able to guide me through! All I ask is that players have a little patience and don't rage as this will be my first time at trying to complete the raid. So deaths may be a little more common than with others. If you can help add me same name as above ps3
292 light warlock looking for a group to help show me the way through the raid for the first time. I have done all the other raids numerous times, lots of experience just need help through this raid for the first time. If you are willing to help message or invite HoneyBadger39X on Xbox one.
297 warlock looking to run raid for the first time got a mic PSN IMrSmith92
289 Arca, I never did the raid
Noob ttk run any light. Psn: tchortsky. No mic needed
Need 1 for raid any welcome msg Blaze BC
Looking to run 295 hunter.
Edited by Some Skittles: 10/11/2015 11:38:41 AMLooking for 5 for Daughters CP, Light level 297 Hunter, GT Some Skittles, I dont care about experience but please be at least 292, On Xbox One.
Looking to join a raid team any cp Titan light 297/8 Very experienced at old raids just started late in TTK due to work; have run up to daughters which was easy, team folded after that. Have watched YouTube vids but nothing like the real thing Just can't seem to find a team to help finish the last two parts Any and All help would be appreciated Send invite to GT above in game
Ok let's get this out of the way.. I am 290 light. I want to run through the raid and have someone teach me part to part so I know what to do. Please message Mytuu or if generous send a friend request. Please don't message me if your some selfish pr*ck who only wants about 300+ light and gun Requirments etc etc. If you are a squeaker keep it at a low level and let's make this raid a little humorous. :) (Warpriest Checkpoint Or Fresh)