Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Ok let's get this out of the way.. I am 290 light. I want to run through the raid and have someone teach me part to part so I know what to do. Please message Mytuu or if generous send a friend request. Please don't message me if your some selfish pr*ck who only wants about 300+ light and gun Requirments etc etc. If you are a squeaker keep it at a low level and let's make this raid a little humorous. :) (Warpriest Checkpoint Or Fresh)
Anyone need one more for warpriest cp xbox one invite me chrismackenzie2
Any chilled, patient people running the raid? I have a bit of experience not much, no mic but listen, 297 defender titan
Need 3 for fresh start GT Daniel Kuna
I am doing fresh run on Xbox one message for invite must have mic
Edited by UltimatebluE II: 10/11/2015 11:30:27 AMLooking to join a raid team at any cp, Titan light 297/8 Very experienced at old raids just started late in TTK due to work; have run up to daughters which was easy, team folded after that. Have watched YouTube vids but nothing like the real thing Just can't seem to find a team to help finish the last two parts Any and All help would be appreciated Send invite to GT above in game
Edited by Double-TOrton: 10/11/2015 11:36:34 AMHello, looking for players to help a first timer with the Kings Fall Raid. I have a lvl 296 Titan and am obliviously inexperienced at this raid. Please help add Double-TOrton on PS4
Looking for help to run. I am 295 hunter. Looking to run it.
388 hunter Need any 5 for fresh start Xbox one GT Daniel Kuna
Anyone willing to help me and teach me the ways of King Fall? I'm only a light level of 294 but I'm sure I'll be able to manage. I just want to give it a try. I play on ps4 add me if interested..psn: Symbiz-
First time running raid, need 5 people that can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Message x NRG Tactics x for an invite.
Edited by Ghost Fondler: 10/11/2015 11:10:08 AMNeed 5 for daughters checkpoint I haven't gotten past this yet but I understand how to do it, help would be appreciated 291 hunter Gt same as above Msg for invite Xbox one
Need team for Oryx. Hunter 294 with mic. Rough knowledge of what to do. Invite me, gt same. Xbone
I'm a 295 warlock who's never done the raid looking to do it
Need 3 for gol checkpoint
Need 5 people, at Gol CP
Looking to do raid fresh lvl 295 hunter first time running raid
294 warlock looking to do a raid on Saturn Add name above ps4
Can somebody inv me, I need to do the raid for the touch of malice quest, I don't have a mic however I can hear everyone and I know the tactics. I'm at golgoroth cp
Need 1 more for gogoroth cp ps4 add big_maze_
Edited by Smearcats: 10/11/2015 10:53:36 AMNeed 4 more at daughters we need help we dont no what to do but would like someone to help message Smearcats xbox one
Can somebody inv me, I need to do the raid for the touch of malice quest, I don't have a mic however I can hear everyone and I know the tactics
297 warlock looking to run the raid for the first time got a mic PSN IMrSmith92
Have oryx checkpoint but no group. want to finally complete this raid. pls help me guys: GT: DK reFleXx XBOX ONE
Edited by McLaren03_: 10/11/2015 10:49:10 AM3 more for Golgoroth PS4
Need one for gogoroth cp add big_maze_