Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need one for gogoroth cp add big_maze_
Titan light lvl 292 lfg for golgorth cp ps3
first time running the raid, would like to join a fireteam, i don't mind if you've done it before or not. GT: i Lukas
Lf team first time.. 295 light good sniper etc need soms help. Inv fierycurve
Need 5 people for Gol checkpoint
Fresh kings fall raid?
Need 5 I have the Golgoroth ( Ogre ) checkpoint Xbox one - alexcowell2
Looking for some people to show me the ropes. Got good weapons, I'm around the 295 light level. Got a bit of time to kill if people want to help me out? I'm on Xbox one. Gt - sizey
have sisters check point and need 5. really want to complete this ASAP. psn same as name add or invite me
2 newbs at war priest need help
I need help with this one. It's my first time. Thanks! Add me AD3Badass
My Mrs is looking to raid with a group, it's her first time doing it but she knows what she's doing. She's light level 295. Add Laurenmariex
Looking for one at oryx. No experience needed. Message varcity1513
PS4 297 hunter, 297 sniper, 294 sleeper simulnt, have oryx cp, decent experience, looking to join anyone one who has a team and knows how to take down the king. GT same as above.
Need 4 more for oryx be 297 light and over and you got to no what to do message Onyx RainzZ for invite
Add KuNg_Lao_6869 for fresh run. Will explain everything to first time raiders. Need 2
299 hunter. lookin for war priest cp. xbox1
297 Titan looking for group. Done several checkpoints. Not finished raid.
Need 1 for kings fall fresh msg for inv gt same as above
Need 2 for fresh run. This is our first attempt so any experience would be helpfull.
Need 5 for oryx never beat him I'm a 301 warlock add me
Edited by Divine_Judgment1: 10/11/2015 9:20:14 AMNeed 2 more for oryx cp. must have defeated oryx before. Add divine_judgment1 and join. Titans would be prefferable.
Oryx cp never beaten him tho! Just watched a video on it so I have a ruff idea! Need a full team pls be experienced Coz I wanna hurry up and finish it! 296 warlock! PSN CHADDO_89
297 warlock looking to run raid for the first time got a mic add IMrSmith92 (PS4)
294 warlock looking to raid for the first time. Can anyone help? Add name above on psn