Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking for fresh xb1
Need 5 for raid just at the warpriest last team all just quit at the same time need ppl that can do this add ohioboi8
301 warlock willing help anyone on raid at any part. Maxed weapons and very good. Just invite me if you need help. GT: WearyJoey485918
Edited by A Faulty Boa: 10/11/2015 4:09:48 AM#ps3 lvl 40 nightstalker(289) and sun breaker(290) We have a check point at before the war priest, never completed but our team didn't know what to do :( we did and didn't have a mic though :( We can listen well and work great as a team, I lead my brother from the next room! So please give us a chance, we want to kill the King so badly! We know what to do from YouTube, we just need a chance. Thanks. Jotaicho13 TEZZA2696
297 Titan lfg for fresh KF Gt: maxpower117
Edited by Senjen0625: 10/11/2015 4:43:46 AMLF 2 more ppl for part before WP, please be 295+ light. PS4
294 titan looking to join raid party. Gt same as above
Never done it would me much appreciated Xbox 360
Looking for active clan and that's pretty chill on PS4
Edited by CalvinKling32: 10/11/2015 4:42:23 AMNeed 1 for fresh run ps4 Add freshh_and_kling
301 hunter looking for team doing oryx must have done it before message me
Edited by CalvinKling32: 10/11/2015 4:36:23 AMLooking for 4 more trying to help my friend get through the raid I'm 301 hunter Add freshh_and_kling ps4
294 Hunter fresh msg TheDentedPanda
Looking for fresh Inexperienced 290 Gt: Cruzcible
304 Hunter willing to help at any part. I've completed the raid multiple times. I can run gaze and relic and I have ToM. Message Xbox GT above
Anybody need a 296 hunter for anything
2 looking to join fresh start. cadeames928
Xbox 1 302 Titan with some experience and friend 292 Titan no raid experience Looking for fresh run (patient he's gotta learn!) Msg: Coffeegasm
Need 1 for ogre gt above also it's a 0 In WH0 got to be experience
War priest cp need 5 280+ add mcman57
298 hunter At oryx cp, looking for a group of 5 that know what they're cuz i've never beaten before. willing to get carried please! psn:abayol12
Edited by DrParkes87: 10/11/2015 4:26:38 AM295 hunter looking for guidance to complete the raid for the first time. PSN above
If anyone is at daughters cp on Xbox One, please inv Amaya Slayz. thanks <3
293 sunsinger, looking to try the raid for the first time, if anyone wants to guide me through it id appreciate it. Ign: jupiterfallen
need 1 for fresh run. we have people who haven't done the raid. please be 293+. message LizLard Man for invite
Edited by H0MMU51DE: 10/11/2015 4:04:12 AMLooking to hit the raid first time 293 hunter with mic !ps4