Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Monsta194 295 warlock on ps4
Looking to help people open the maze door for the loot
Looking for four, 290+, Oryx cp, msg me under the same name^
Edited by Grumpus: 10/11/2015 3:30:53 AMNeed 2 for daughters 295+ and know what to do. msg Oh Belleau xbox one
Need 3 for fresh run. Send message to gt: xx Ms Duppy xx Xbox one
Edited by Grumpus: 10/11/2015 3:29:49 AMNeed 2 for daughters 295+ and know what to do. msg Oh Belleau xbox one
Need help. I know everything up to the glyphs. Ps4 295 hunter Add name above Thanks!
Need 2 more for Kings Fall fresh on PS4 Add: A_FatKidEatnCake
293 warlock looking to join [u]any[/u] raid for fun and experience. Gt same as above. Xbox
Need 2 for fresh run
Need 1 more for fresh King's Fall on PS4 Add: A_FatKidEatnCake
Need 1 for warpriest
Looking for 4 players to take through King's Fall We will go through each section and explain it. Only requirement is a decent sniper and light level (275 and above) Xbox One GT: StealthAnt
Edited by TheZebraCake: 10/11/2015 3:29:41 AMNeed 1 more for fresh King's Fall raid on Xbox One, reply or message GT: TheZebraCake for inv
Need 3 on fresh start oryx and have idea how it goes, 295+ msg GT:cchristy777
Need 2 more for fresh King's Fall raid on PS4 Add: A_FatKidEatnCake and join
Looking to join group at oryx cp. 295 hunter with experience.
Need 4 more for King's Fall fresh run on PS4 Add: A_FatKidEatnCake and join
Warlock 301 looking to join a team at sisters CP .. Send invite Gt: COBRA GTR 88
299 Hunter looking to do oryx. Send me invite xboxone gt:: brokenfinger92
Need team for kings fall raid normal fresh Inv xBobx476 I may only have 288 light but I can pull that weight
296 light Xbox 360 First time raider send me a invite @ xXtinyzombieXx
Edited by A_FatKidEatnCake: 10/11/2015 3:12:25 AMNeed 4 more for fresh King's Fall on PS4 Add: A_FatKidEatnCake and join
XB1 295 Titan. New to this raid. Wanna learn. Trying to find a patient fireteam. Seals84 is gt. Invite me.
Need two @ Golgoroth.. Message me GT: Rex Bobbys Toe
King fall fresh run add MrBisonXSG pls be experienced