Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Venomousduck001 xb1 294 with golgoroth cp new to raid not made it past golgoroth
297 titan and 294 hunter looking to do KF for the first time. Willing to listen and learn. PS4 psn same as above.
293 Titan.. VoG and Crota many times. Have not set foot in Kings fall and need a Sherpa to guide me. Will do as instructed and not be an ass. All my Crota and VoG buddies have kids and jobs and dont have the time. On xbox one and have the fortitude to stick it out to the very end.
PS4: 296 Hunter with experience up to Golg. Can follow directions. Looking for daughters or Oryx for first time. Add: Luke_Pukem
Need one for oryx 300+ light
Need 2 on XBOne for running some first timers through. I'm very experienced. Message Juggernaut VXI for inv
Been on Destiny since day one and can follow instructions. PS4 cuzimjayfit 293 Titan
Looking for 4 to run my buddy through his first run. I'm very experienced and have run it many times. Message Juggernaut VXI for invite
SHOOTER01299 cp at daughters. Looking for a team to play.
Looking for a fresh run to learn the whole raid. XBOX 1 GT Spartakus16
Looking to join fresh run warlock l295 invite monts213 ps4 don't have mic but could listen and can hold my own
Edited by SG Buff: 10/11/2015 2:30:13 AM297 lock. New to raid. Very good at taking instruction. Hung jury and supercell 295 plus. 100 yard. Sleeper. Ready to go. Gt as above
297 Titan looking for a raid group. Experience up to gorg. Add coolstorybro1
New to the raid. I have golgoroth cp from previous attempt. Need 5 to finish the raid. Someone must have already completed it. Psn: XvX_T8TRTOT_XvX
302 warlock looking for golgorth cp I haven't completed raid psn TEXREAPER
288 warlock looking for fresh run. Haven't done this raid yet but I've played destiny since day one. I can hold my own. GT same as name send invite.
Need 4 for fresh kings fall raid... Need at least 290 light... I'll teach the mechanics but u have to be a fast learner... Gt above
Just wondering what is a good light lvl to do the raid? im 275 and im trying to get to 280 or 290 is that enough to do the raid
294 light warlock looking for raid party to do fresh run. First time doing raid, help me out. Psn - LATEX_FEAR
Would like Raid Invite...Exp through gorg 296 Warlock PSN: t_mactx
Edited by Unbalanced: 10/11/2015 2:20:17 AMIm at daughters for the first time please help add unbalanced12 need one now almost full
Inv me fresh raid not experienced
298 warlock looking for group to help me through daughters and Oryx for the first time. I have the cp at daughters. Psn: Cyphodellus
Msg Whos 2k On xboxone
Hey I'm 40 with a 290 light level and just haven't had a chance to do the raid, anyone willing to help?