Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Hey I'm 40 with a 290 light level and just haven't had a chance to do the raid, anyone willing to help?
need 1 for oryx cp need touch of malice message: xdaarzz : for invite xbox one
Ok I'm on ps4
295 hunter, experience up to war priest and have read up on rest, no mic but can still hear, PS3 if anyone can help me complete (I've got a checkpoint at part before war priest if needed)
Edited by ktrain55555: 10/11/2015 2:20:30 AMGolgoroth checkpoint need 5 Gt: ktrain55555 290 light at least please Message 4 invite On xbox
Need 5 on the totems cp. experience not necessary but encouraged. I don't mind a couple failures but try and catch on quick. Psn i_cutright
295 hunter looking for fresh run invite realbinsane
Need 3 we did raid up to warpriest for first time yesterday. Now we need help message or add goatdaddy420 thanks
301 Hunter, Willing to help out while I can. Xbox One GT: summitslaughter Helping new groups!
need 1 for oryx cp need touch of malice message: xdaarzz : for invite xbox one
Wanting to join raid , I'm a 193 light. Invite MINA001
Edited by DARK KNIGHT3270: 10/11/2015 2:05:10 AMLooking to start a raid, im a newbie to the raid, haven't done it yet, need help. Sunbreaker titan 291. Gt same as above, message/add me
Looking for a fresh run. 294 light. msg Wonnie_Kimchi
Need 3 ppl for raid none of us have done it we are 295+
298 Warnock looking for group to help me get through sisters and Oryx for the first time.. I have the cp at sisters.. Psn: Cyphodellus
Need raid players. Kings fall. 2 needed
Need 4 for oryx cp, message me for an invite
I need someone to do the raid with I'm level 40 light 185 please invite me never done it yet
298 hunter LF daughters cp haven't completed last two parts of raid.. But have an understanding of what to do!
Newbie to the raid but have read up on boss fights. 291 warlock INV RAJNIFICENT. I don't mind failing but pure stupidity is a no no
Wp checkpoint need 4. xX1UnHoly3Xx. Xbox1
Need 1
Edited by OkarNando101: 10/11/2015 1:55:34 AMStill working on completing the raid for my first time. I have the oryx checkpoint. 298 hunter :)
Got 2 here 1 new, 1 experienced Wanna join add freshh_and_kling
295 titan on xbox 360 looking to get a fireteam together. anyone willing to help?
Need ONE experienced player to guide us Gt as above looking for fresh run