Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need ONE experienced player to guide us Gt as above looking for fresh run
Edited by LORD DOGM: 10/11/2015 1:50:08 AMNeed 2 too help to do raid /we have two first timer/ GT same /Fresh raid xbox one
Need 2 too help to do raid /we have two first timer/ GT same /Fresh raid
Edited by BUDFORD420: 10/11/2015 1:50:48 AMTwo first timers attempting the raid all are welcome add and join thanks PS4
294 hunter new to the raid looking for a fresh start invite realbinsane
X1 looking for 290+ virgins or experienced at WP
Hey I have a 291 warlock and a 288 hunter we need to do the raid we are willing to learn
293 Warlock. Fresh start. Need 3 more. Currently have 293 Hunter and 290 warlock. Need 3 more. Looking for anything 290 and above. No experience needed. Any class Msg: ElDeMexico for an invite
Need full team fresh start. It's my first time. MS GT up above for invite
298 hunter LF sisters cp never completed the last two parts of the raid but have a good understanding of what to do
295 Titan looking for fresh have never done but know how to listen. On Xbox one invite XxRaunchyPigxX
295 Titan and 294 hunter looking for 4 or get in a group.
Oryx cp I know what too do 295 warlock need 5 add shinji5621
X1 need two 290+ at WP we are a group of virgins
Warpriest checkpoint need 4 xX1UnHoly3Xx
I have a death singer check point on ps4 Psn: mnick2000
298 warlock looking for a group to help me get through sisters and Oryx for the first time. psn: Cyphodellus
I'm down ps4 292 Aln0highking no mic
Looking for 4 more players for warpriest cp.we have never done the full raid
Edited by Guardian9094: 10/11/2015 1:42:48 AM295 Titan looking for fresh have never done but know how to listen Xbox one invite XxRaunchyPigxX
Lvl 292 Titan looking to do first run. Send invite (Xbox one)
Lf 4 raiders. Starting from totem. Msg tatertot20
Looking for a fireteam for King's Fall raid (XB1) I'm a 296 Warlock w/ Power the Glyphs CP. Preferably looking for 295+ that know what their doing. GT: XI Zathazar IX
First time raid run-through. Warlock w/fully upgraded classes. 297 light. Two exotic swords, working on the third now. Running weapons with 300 attack. Message or invite me @ Deiyuriclan on the X360.
Looking for someone to inv me to the Kings fall raid 294 light Titan I have done the raid all the way up to the sisters Xbox one gt: xXbl4ckrhinoXx
I am a 294 Titan with weapons this is my third character and I have full raid experience I am looking for a fresh raid team invite me If you need someone GT:WettestBike89