Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
I am a 294 Titan with weapons this is my third character and I have full raid experience I am looking for a fresh raid team invite me If you need someone GT:WettestBike89
Lfg fresh run warlock 298 first time
293 titan.....1st timer Looking to join a group for a fresh run PSN.....Sup3rkrak3r757
Anybody want to help out a 294 hunter complete oryx cp
Need 5 Have golgoroth cp be 300+ msg BaSiC Dr3amz for inv
Need 4 fresh raid gt arorton
Had 2 leavers just after jumping puzzle on first time run PS4. Send request if you want in. PSN name is abstract5.
Looking for 4 we have the sisters cp but we ARE NOT experienced and cant get past it lol ps4 mackey75. Please have mics
Wanting to join a raid. Add me MINA001 Xbox one
2 players looking to join others for fresh raid. invite me and il invite my friend. light is 304 and ive done raid multiple times. GT same as above
Lvl 296 titan With some experience Looking for raid. PS4 ajay655 add me
Need 3 at daughters Experienced preferred (we're newbies) Don't be scrub - no children - cool people only! Send msg for invite - GT same as above.
need 1 for oryx cp need touch of malice message: xdaarzz : for invite xbox one
Looking for four, 290+, Oryx cp, msg me under the same name^
PS3 looking to to it fresh or at warpriest for first time Add D3ADRA_RAGE
Need one more person, preferably one who knows what they're are doing and wants to help some who don't. Gt Is same
Need 4 on warpriest message THLASTBOYSCOUT
Need 3 for golgoroth must be experienced 290+ gt above
Edited by Legion11: 10/11/2015 1:22:53 AMNeed 1 who's willing to help a new group get through the raid. PS4
Level 294 Light Hunter Looking to do fresh raid run Gamertag: Fieron66 Send me a message or invite
Trying to finish raid im on war priest. Never finished raid
294 lock Lf any grp. Fresh preferred. PS4 Add Hatecontempt
Need help to kill taken champions on earth for taken war quest need 2 gt same
XBOX ONE Warpriest CP. Need 2.
294 light hunter at oryx CP need to finish raid