Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
294 hunter, xbox one, GT is Kytellis. I have a mic and am a quick learner.
need 1 for oryx cp need touch of malice message: xdaarzz : for invite
Inv 292 titan 294 warlock gt xlittledemonx
Invite I'm a 297 warlock
Fresh raid start: -Msg itsprodii for invite -295+ light I am 301 light no exp needed!! ( 2nd account )
Invite 297 Warlock xbox one KILA FLIP
Edited by abstract5: 10/11/2015 1:23:01 AMNeed 3 for first time raid on PS4. Any and all welcome as we're just looking to have some fun while learning the raid. PSN name is Abstract5. Edit:Had a couple leavers if anyone still wants in. Just got the cp after the jumping puzzle
Lookin to do ORYX on PS4..or anything Have a mic and am good with a gun ..add cousinkevin2013 Lvl293
292 warlock looking to do fresh raid please help this will be my first one message Marco Iz GoDLy
Light lvl 292 hunter looking for some players to help get through the raid, fresh start . Gt Is same
Can i get a inv Gt:Dvep lvl290
Hi I'm doing a fresh run with myself and 2 experienced friends of mine. We need 3 more on the ps4. Add me PublicToad
Need 2 for daughters requirements: working mic with no background noise. Level 285+ character with good sniper. Positive attitude with respect. Will kick you otherwise in a sec. If it's your first time we can help only if you quickly adapte. If it's your first time please add me if you have done it don't bother.
Need 3 for fresh raid. We have a 290 Titan, 295 hunter, and 296 warlock... We have not done the raid yet but are all experienced in watching videos on how it is to be done. Looking for 3 experienced players to be helpful and guiding to help us beat this for the first time. We are not stupid and are good players so it would be great if you guys could help us beat it! PSN same as above
Need one experienced over 290 light message Kingkong9510 for invite
Looking for group at daughters cp
Oryx checkpoint. Message sonsofdisturbed on Xbox one
2 guardians, both above 290+, looking for fresh start, experienced
PS4 name SteveSq Warlock level 297 never done raid, looking for fresh run
Need 3 for fresh run
Level 296 titan, I have oryx cp, haven't fought him yet, looking for team that don't mind playing with a oryx virgin. Please don't come if you are going to get annoyed easily. GT as above.
Ps4 need help with doing the raid. 295 titan. Psn sao
I need to do the raid psn please I need to do this
Xbox one Looking for a fresh start for the Kings fall raid. Need for 4 1 hunter light level 291 1 warlock light level 296 We are experience very experienced. Please help Invite or message me BabySpartan006
306 hunter. Finished the raid 12+ times. Looking to help anyone who needs help. Any checkpoint is fine. Message me or invite me. Gt ImSeanyG
PS4 name SteveSq Warlock level 297 never done raid, looking for fresh run