Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
PS4 name SteveSq Warlock level 297 never done raid, looking for fresh run
285 looking for fresh start gt Smashclub81
285 looking for 4 more fresh start
Titan 295 light looking to complete the raid so i can get some quests finished. New to the raid and hope to find a good group of players not hell bent because they are 300 plus because they got a weapon that got them there. Psn same as above ps4
Edited by theshredder23: 10/11/2015 12:10:13 AMLooking for group that has daughters cp. 300 light hunter ps4- theshredder23
looking for 1 person for totems before warpriest. we have 2 300+ light and 3 290+ light. GT: LBS TwinLinks we have 2 experienced
need one before warpriest at totems GT: LBS TwinLinks
Need one At warpreist Xb1
Edited by TheDeliriousDoc: 10/11/2015 12:00:55 AM304 Hunter willing to help at any part. I've completed the raid multiple times. I can run gaze and relic and I have ToM. Message Xbox GT above
303 Hunter looking to JOIN a fresh Kings Fall run Add whysoplur on ps4 I've gone through the raid like 7 times I know what im doing btw lol
Raiken123 Hunter 295 Have ToM L4 fresh or Warpriest Pls and ty
295 warlock looking to do kings fall!! Never attempted but can hold my own and follow directions .. W/mic Add:juicelaflare99 if you willing to help run the Kings fall for the first time! Psn:juicelaflare99
Looking for 4 to do full raid
looking for 1 Xbox one player for totem checkpoint 290+ light GT: LBS TwinLinks
Edited by DOVAL04: 10/10/2015 11:23:13 PMNeed 3 more For Raid. PS4. Still learning :)
294 hunter Gt above First timer
Need 4 for kings fall first timers are welcome just have a sniper rifle!
Need 2 more for fresh raid! Light lv doesn't matter. Xbox one GT above
Fresh run Need 5 Add Stugots__7 PS4 At least one experienced point man...
295 Titan for first time Kings fall fresh! Xbl send invite or message me so i can send you a invite. Ive youtubed the raid so im not 100% clueless!
Looking to do the tk raid, 290 sunbreaker titan, send me an invite, gt is xDEE5NUT5x
Need a full fresh team or a team that needs another person - 290 Titan PS4. Add wii_man13
Edited by NaCI-y: 10/8/2015 2:36:08 AM292 Hunter looking to attempt raid. Never done it before, add disciple789. Have mic. PS4
295 warlock. Haven't done the raid but wanting to try add TheKingCorso. PS4
Need 2 more for Warpriest. Must have Skype and a Light Level of 290 and up. Send DrTaco4ePeople a message.
PS3. Looking to do the raid for the first time, 292 Hunter with mic. I've watched some videos on it but their's still some parts I'm not that clear on. I'll follow directions. Add same as above. Thanks in advance!