Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
PS3. Looking to do the raid for the first time, 292 Hunter with mic. I've watched some videos on it but their's still some parts I'm not that clear on. I'll follow directions. Add same as above. Thanks in advance!
295 hunter looking for raid group. I know only 40% of the raid. PSN : xixoucmoi
Xbox one or 360 (i have both) Lvl 298 Warlock Gt: Zombiekillerr50
Needs 2 for golgoroth cp Msg iPimpdaddysteve for invite
need a team for fresh kings fall raid msg me back please .
Looking to join raid group FIRST TIME XBOX ONE 293 WARLOCK please invite
In need of 3 people fore hole raid
Edited by Skizzim99: 10/10/2015 11:30:26 PMXbox1 297 light Titan Never done raid Skizzim99 invite
Need one for daughters, add captain_d_g_t.
Need 3 more for Raid. 290+
293 SELF RES WARLOCK Beaten ship puzzle Have watched videos on KINGS FALL please invite XBOX ONE FRESH RUN :)
Looking for three more past ships 291 light gt is swap reborn
Level 293 hunter looking to do a fresh run on the Kings fall raid. :). Ps4 Lordtrace2< message me
Need 4 290+ for fresh raid MSG GoldEagle444
294 warlock Xbox one never done a raid invite me if anybody needs a player
296 Warlock. Never completed the raid would like a cool group of people to do complete it with.
292 hunter haven't done it yet so it would be nice to have a carry team with me
XBOX ONE Level 296 Hunter. Never completed King's Fall, so I've got next to no experience. Looking to join others who hasn't done it yet or a group willing to help a virgin out. Inv GT: Aussie FOB
light level 290 warlock looking for kings fall raid team. Gamertag same as above please inv on xbox one
Looking for raid group on PS4. Send invite to Page2210
Xbox 360. A friend and I are looking to do kings fall fresh, we are noobs and want to do it really bad. Please help gt same
295 light Warlock. Looking for anyway to finally do the raid. PSN: SuPaco_
Looking for a raid team for my first run. Titan 293 light ps4 Primalskill
Edited by DOVAL04: 10/10/2015 11:14:48 PMI need 5 for fresh raid. 2nd attempt. Titan 301. Still learning myself. PS4. Doval04.
Looking for 4 more raid virgins to start Kings Fall fresh. 290+ on PS4. Add Imani-Hype
Looking for three more for a fresh raid. This is my first time with my 297 light warlock. My gamertag is the same as above on Xbox 360.