Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to dive into the depths of the kings fall raid for first time and would like to be part of a group which never done it before Xbox one Snydermonkey
Taken king raid beginner here looking for a group on ps4. I'm a 297 hunter. Thanks
Need 1 for fresh start. Msg tatertot20
Edited by F8tal Mistake: 10/10/2015 9:23:34 PM
299 hunter trying to get a fresh raid going...have beaten it twice willing to help people. add TheIcarusPhoenix
I wanna do the raid inv me gt same as above
Looking for someone with some experience to get us through raid. I have 5 people and I have completed it before.
Looking for a team that will teach me how to do the raid. 292 Warlock w/ 1000 Yard Stare. I've done everything up to the Warpriest. I catch on quickly. GT is the same
I wanna do the raid inv me gt same as above
Looking for two more players to do kings fall on xbox one. Msg me GT: Ix UK pkmn xI
Looking for oryx cp
T3DDY78 XBOX 360 I needto do the raid but have no clan or friends to help
I need 3 more add clownjoker2099 on ps4 and join fireteam
Need 5 for daugthers checkpoont
Need one more add vomva1 ps4
fresh start message MeetJD
298 titan invite me i have a mic
297 Titan with mic. Invite me at any part of the raid. GT is The CA Camster
Need 5 noobs to do this shit add vomva1 ps4 to play
I need people to teach me the ways on xbox one GT: Nuclear naga. I am 297
287 titan with mic. Never done the kings fall but would like some help. Ps3.
Need group for oryx cp I have plz message go Robb or inv thanks :)
Looking for fireteam to do Raid with Warlock light 296 I have mic have knowledge up to warpriest and willing to learn the rest add MMBJ14
Hi, semi-beginner King's Fall raider here! I was with a group last week that was superhelpful (and skilled) that was more than happy enough to teach me and help me run the raid up to the Warpriest. If there is a group that is willing to do the same, please invite! I'm a 296 light Nightstalker! add thebestdamnthang!
293 hunter nightstalker, first time for me, add clownjoker2099 ps4
Need 5 to help me complete the raid for the first time, I'm a 296 titan. Add arsenal210