Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 5 to help me complete the raid for the first time, I'm a 296 titan. Add arsenal210
Looking for xb1 team from fresh or totems inv
300 Warlock I have totems co Know what ur doing Msg me @ Lkz beast
Titan level 294, never done KF looking for people a team to teach me their wicked ways 💪🏼[b]PS4[/b]
Light 281 warlock I can carry my own weight looking to do fresh run / PS4 / send me an invite
Looking for a group to help me through, i have a black spindle and can be 206 light, thnx in advance Add me vomva1 ps4
Two needed for sisters msg for invite
Looking for ps3 kings raid golgoroth cp
Need help to complete raid Have Oryx CP Have not completed but watched the strat Psn as above I am 298
need 2 ppl for saber
292 Titan Just got TTK last week only got up to Golgorth cp Can switch to Saint 14 and bubble I don't like to mess around in raids Xbox 360
Looking for 1 more person for golgoroth CP message fiery pheasant for invite
need 5 for deathsinger cp msg vScumbagg
KINGS FALL RAID 297 light fresh run or any I made it to oryx ! INVITE MIC GT same roidragescout XBOXONE
296 titan got upto golgoroth cp broke my mic but can still hear team gt lukelammert
292 Titan looking for first run of kings fall! Add tiger09011 and invite please
Looking to join a raid team never done all of the raid please add and invite me on PS3 Darz_Acurr
2 for fresh run xbox one inv Squirtman59 300 titan 296 hunter
Need one more for fresh run, xbox one message CheckCheck94 for invite
Edited by NFFC_B3LSHAW93: 10/10/2015 8:05:58 PM296 titan looking to join a raid invite me psn NFFC_B3LSHAW93
Two people looking for a fresh run, have not done it before message CheckCheck94 for invite
Edited by Jingen: 10/10/2015 8:00:50 PMNeed 3 for fresh. Add me psn same as shown
Anyone looking to do the raid inv me gt same as above xbox1
Need 3 on Orxy cp must have 295+ sniper or touch of malice be 295+ light add OMGITZJIM
PSN 296 warlock with no experience. Add e201135 if you're willing to bear with me:)