Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
294 titan and hunter are looking for people for kingsfall raid pls message me
Edited by TrulyPhalse: 10/10/2015 4:21:55 PM301 hunter. Looking to help out on fresh run. Gt same as above. XBone
303 Titan very experienced, done oryx multiple times, looking for experienced group who are at golgorth - PSN: nufcmiles
294 Titan I've beat crota before but never played kings fall invite me to your team if you want :^)
292 warlock looking for first time run would appreciate the help. cadeames928
299 hunter. xbox1. lookin for fresh or war priest cp. gt same as above. msg before inviting.
295 Titian little experience Xbox 360 gt abovr
296 hunter never done kings fall raid. Quick learner. Xxlawdog24xx
I have CP at warpriest light 290 Name same as above
290 hunter gamertag: itsChrissssss. That is six s' and its my first time
292 warlock looking to try for the first time would appreciate it. cadeames928
291 sunbreaker titan, looking for first raid run. Gt same as above
Light 290 Titan looking for first time invite tg chef
Need 2 for kings raid, we welcome first timers
Xbox One 296 Warlock lookin for team. First ever time, message x NRG Tactcis x if you can help.
Someone inv me @canttellyoubro ps4
300 plus for golgoroth checkpoint. Message deathgene17
Tonight @ around1900 UK time I'm looking to Sherpa 5 others with NO previous experience through a fresh Kings Fall. Ideally be above 290 light and have a sniper but neither are absolutely essential. Add me; first come first serve. So if you've been struggling to find a fire team I'm here to help. Make sure you have the time to commit as I'd like to get through with no switch outs. Start together and finish together. PSN: Commandante_Max
292 Titan looking for fresh raid on Xbox one Gt Nathan 122
I am same name on ps4 this will be my first time doing this raid
Goetosyrus PS4 297 light warlock. First time, willing to listen and learn. Thanks
Edited by HevyEdge: 10/10/2015 3:41:47 PMI'm light level 292 (294 with a shotgun) and have never done the raid before. Anyone willing to help a noob out? XB1
292 Titan looking for oryx cp Gamer tag Nathan 122
300 light hunter, semi experienced, looking for fresh run. GT:the3d0gs (XboxOne)
299 hunter, looking for warpriest cp. I know the basics of the raid but I have not fully completed it yet.