Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Need 2 for kf warpriest cp ps4 msg d0ublejay0402
Looking for a team..ps4. Have prior raid experience but not with kings fall. Looking to run through and learn the raid. Have mic.
Warlock light 296 looking to join a fireteam for fresh run have gone as far as golgoroth. Don't have a mic but I'm a good listener. Add monts213 ps4
Anybody doing the sisters Cp ?
Edited by Noxious Spartan: 10/25/2015 1:43:43 AMI am Light level 296 and looking for a fresh kings fall raid group to join Please invite me at the same GT as above Xbox One
Lvl 295, I've done some parts of the raids, looking to actually go from start to finish, inv xlzer0l
Edited by Alex311: 10/25/2015 12:29:57 AMLooking for group first time doing it. I have previous raid experience and will listen. I have a mic. 293 Titan
Need 5 for kings fall raid 305+ mic and experience daughters check hard
296 warlock looking to do a fresh run or checkpoint, on xbox one my gt is bzeRq x
1st time want to do it add rudesnakeboi ps4
Need 5 for raid normal fresh I have 294 light
Edited by ClownJoker2099: 10/24/2015 9:41:14 PMNeed 5 for kings fall normal fresh add clownjoker2099 then join fireteam. Ps4, I have mic and haven't done this raid yet.
Need one for kings fall, add gabytostayce and join
Need 4 more for kings fall hard daughters checkpoint Xbox 360 BARN3TT RY, message me if you want in, be lv 305+ and have a mic. please be chill
Need 3 for kings raid PS4 add gabytostayce and join.
Need 2 more at glyphs checkpoint Xbox one Gt same as above anyone welcomed msg for invite
Edited by MichaelM6969: 10/24/2015 7:44:14 PMLooking for 3 to do my first raid, I also need the 5 fragments, if anyone can help that would be great. Ps4 298 Titan Add and join psn same
Need 4 for fresh run. Add gabytostayce and join
need 2 more for a blind run
294 Unexperienced Warlock Psn: IXI_fluff_IXI
lvl 297 warlock totem cp first time ps3
300 hunter at te war priest cp on xb1 doin the raid for the first time msg me on xbl Gt j quay
Looking to finish raid anyone willing to help have got upto golgoroth
Need 3 for fresh normal. I have done raid before but friend hasnt I also have touch of malice Gt: pieter deprez
I'm a 294 Titan I've done the first 2 cp's before Please invite Gt same
need one more for totems dont need exp just a willing to play and learn be over 290+ msg nickyyy007