Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
299 hunter, looking for warpriest cp. I know the basics of the raid but I have not fully completed it yet.
Fresh run need 5 light lvl 291+(Xbox One) I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite
Newbie Kings Fall raid. Must be lvl 290 and above. Let's figure this thing out!
Edited by Zaraki Kenpachi: 10/10/2015 3:36:54 PM300 Light Hunter or 293 Light Warlock. Looking for raiding group. Experienced player. Not terribly experienced in this raid. I have made it from start to Oryx once but, have yet to finish. PS4: Zaraki_KenpachiX I have a mic.
Need 1 sisters cp
Titan 296 need raid ( x-one ) , gt same as above First raid (Fr)
Level 40 Hunter, light level 259, gamertag is same as above. I'd appreciate help getting started.
292 light looking for a fresh raid Gamer tag Nathan 122
Looking for two people, fresh run just add and join
First timer looking for a raid team. 295 warlock inv XxAcidRain30xX
I need invt for war priest I am 297 light warlock invt gt above
Need a team for kings fall..never did that before..294 light hunter..psn bdrullezz..
Edited by REACHKILLER8110: 10/10/2015 3:29:23 PMFresh run need 5 light lvl 291+(Xbox One) I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite
Hunter 294 looking for a team for fresh raid or close to it psn :DavJero
Hunter light 294 with Golgoroth checkpoint on my first run on the raid, looking for a team to guide me through it, good listener and quick learner. Msg me on Xbox if you can help......cheers!
296 sunbreaker titan looking to learn the raid inv KrazyCloud420 on ps4
294 Hunter first time. Looking to start 1:30-2 EST.
305 warlock looking to do raid for the first time
2 hunters looking for fresh raid. I've done it a bunch but my buddy hasn't. GT same.
i want to do a fresh start for all rewards but i have a daughters cp need 5 msg TysEpicGaming
Edited by DavJero: 10/10/2015 3:08:30 PMHunter 294 looking to start fresh or first check point out a got a mic psn:DavJero
Have oryx cp haven't killed oryx but experienced msg elitespitfire16 thanks!
Anyone forming a group on PS4 send me a inv @canttellyoubro
Need two people first come first served fresh run experience doesn't matter and have a reasonable light level
292 hunter never got passed the war lord guy need group any cp
I have never done the raid before and i'm searching for a team to help me (ps3). I have a level 297 hunter.