Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
I have never done the raid before and i'm searching for a team to help me (ps3). I have a level 297 hunter.
299 hunter. xbox one. never fully completed the raid. looking to join fresh run - don't mind if its blind, i know what to do. msg before inviting.
Hunter 294 with mic lfg fresh or totems psn:DavJero
LL 264 looking for a team to carry me through If you are able to help me through I will forever be in your debt I have a max y2 hawkmoon and all weapons and all other weapons above 268 I am a NightStalker hunter Inv Twomocomin
I have never done this raid looking for help I have 295 light add me kingOfworld429_
Titan level 291light rank 40 whole raid ps4
290 looking for fresh raid Or I have the oryx checkpoint if anyone want wants to help out Gamer tag Nathan 122 Message for inv
293 warlock looking to do the raid Iv done the first 2 bosses before but nothing after that gamer tag lordlygolem14
Xbox 360 first time for gorgoth and oryx done war preist in 295 light any one with oryx cp first time
Add me @canttellyoubro (PS4)
I'm 295 titan new to this raid I'm down for whatever Heartsorelion11
294 hunter. Golgorth check point but can back track of need be. GT ReZ CarNaGe
297 warlock looking to run raid for the first time got a mic add IMrSmith92
Add lukews7
295 Titan w/ Sisters CP LFG to help me finish the raid (I have done all raid but Oryx) GT: Same Xbone Plz Invite, I'd like to finish for the exp Mic'd and Adaptable
Edited by GHamilto: 10/10/2015 2:30:11 PM295 warlock looking for his first run - i have a mic PSN: dantegraves2605
295 warlock add Dukster1
First time 293 titan. Anyone willing to help me with raid? add Wonnie_Kimchi
I'm a 295 titan looking to run the raid for the first time. I have a mic.
Need 2 for warpreist. Msg Cypress7 for invite
Anyone out there wanna help a 297 Warlock through his 1st Kings Fall? PSN-GbHaseo
304 hunter and 304 warlock looking for sisters/daughters we know what to do and we have completed the raid before gt same as above ;) xbox one
Need to do kings fall for qiest, first time raided in this tbh but i learn quick and have a headset... ~290 titan add PSN Ikasury
Need 5 for warpriest cp gt same as name xbox1
Need to do kings fall for first time, ~290 titan, add Ikasury on ps4
fresh kings fall run add xxEXTCxx if interested