Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
fresh kings fall run add xxEXTCxx if interested
I'm a 295 warlock need 5 more for warpriest cp comment if interested need to have 295 or above light
Xbox One Kings Fall raid 298 Hunter Beaten raid before Gamertag Pazx Please inv me any checkpoint or fresh
304 hunter and 304 warlock looking for sisters/daughters we know what to do and we have completed the raid before gt same as above ;)
Need 2 fresh run leave a reply
Fresh First time run Add Stugots__7 PS4 need 5
297 Warlock, been busy with my kid, and now I got time to try and learn the raid. If anyone out there wants to teach me my PSN is GbHaseo
Anyone wanna help me beat oryx at cp add: colon032
Level 40 Hunter, light level 259, gamertag is same as above. I'd appreciate help getting started.
Looking to do the Kings Fall raid. 297+ Hunter. Send invite. GT the same
Looking for 5 for fresh run Experienced point man would be nice First time Add Stugots__7 PS4
Looking for raid have warpreist checkpoint never done all raid before I am 295 hunter invite would be nice.
Oryx checkpoint need 4 plz know what to do
296 titan looking to do raid Send invite please
Team of 4, light 291-304, 2 have completed raid, looking to complete as spoiler free as possible but will use experienced team members to guide if we get stuck
Looking for 5 Guardians To do a Fresh run Of the TTK raid Xbox 1 must be 290 light + GamerTag same as above Message for Invite
Edited by xXMRBENDOVERXx: 10/10/2015 1:43:34 PM294 warlock with: 297 hung jury scout (arc) with triple tap and explosive head shots 294 Tao Hua Yuan sniper (solar) with explosive rounds and melee/ gernade cool down with head shots 295 Dowager SA/3 rocket launcher (arc) I'm new to the raid and have watched some tutorials on it, I follow directions very well and am ready to listen. Add me at xXMRBENDOVERXx, or send me a message and I will add you. I'm on Xbox one by the way.
Looking for people who want to do the raid and are new to the raid I Haven't done the raid yet either my gamertag is foxtrotjay16 I am an Xbox one player and need five more people to join
Need 3 ppl for fresh run msg Xx VIPE3R xX for inv
Looking for 5 for fresh run First time An experienced point man would be nice* Add Stugots__7 PS4
298 Hunter needs 3 for FRESH msg for INV
I'm a 298 Hunter on Xbox one who has done the raid up to the two death singers, I currently have that chick point. I'm looking to finish the raid from there but happy to play a fresh raid for the experience.
Edited by supnottoomuch: 10/10/2015 1:36:15 PM295 hunter looking for group. I've done the raid up to golgoroth one time. Xbox one
Edited by Jameswooly123: 10/10/2015 1:33:34 PMhey guys light lvl 291 hunter here looking to join KF raid ive watched guides so know what im doing kinda just need guidance
24 hunter on xbone with experience but my mic is broke I can still hear everyone but I can't talk
Middle of warpriest ps4 add me