Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Middle of warpriest ps4 add me
Fresh run need 3 light lvl 291+ I'm new to the raid I don't have a mic but I still know how to do the raid Message for invite Xbox one
I have war priest cp need 5 dis is my first time
Need 5 for oryx cp I know what to do, and plz be someone who has beaten him I've tried like 4 times to kill him. Add: colon032
Need 1 at golgaroth 295+ must have xp msg gt above for invite
293 warlock looking for first time, ive watched some videos so kinda know the mechanics
Ps4 titan looking for group to show me how to do the raid, PSN same as name on here
296 hunter with good guns and 295 Titan looking to kings fall for the first time. Xbox one gt is same. Have mic.
Looking to do the raid for the first time on ps4 297 warlock add IMrSmith92
hi there , im a titan light 290, never been in the new raid so im looking for a team, im on xbox one , if you need one more invite me GT: jdmx5
Me me me
looking for fresh run msg me Gt (iResort) know most of the raid and have a friend 293 and 297
[quote]Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that... We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes... Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack.... Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on.... Or message INSANEWINKY for invite to Dark ark survivors clan... good bunch of guardians always willing to help each other with raids quests etc http://darkarksurvivors.weebly.com/contacts.html ********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ******** Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo[/quote]first time for the raids my light level is 276 and I have no mic gt above
I'm looking to do kings fall I'm a 295 self res warlock. Never done raid before I don't have mic but I can hear u if invited to Xbox live party if u tell me what and when to do something I will try my best to do so gt is SparkierFungus6
Level 40 Hunter, light level 259, gamertag is same as above. I'd appreciate help getting started.
PS4, first time doing the kings fall raid, i need a group. I am a hunter with 295 light PSN= The_DeadStroke_
I am 293 titan. Xbox one with had set Gamer tag Illadelph5150
Edited by janoak20: 10/10/2015 12:53:59 PM295 hunter and 297 warlock looking for people to join us on first raid run later today. We are both from Norway, but speak english if required. Have fired a couple of rounds before, but total noob to this raid.. No requirements except maybe that you are 290+ - and an generally cool guy. If you have done it before that will of course be a bonus to us all. PS4 add janoak20
Need 1 more for oryx cp. Must be 295+. GT Xavichon
299 hunter, xbox one. looking to join team to raid with either fresh or war priest cp. msg me before inviting.
40 hunter 295 light. Looking to do raid. Any help is geart
Level 40 Hunter, 259 light, gamertag is same as above. I'm on Xbox One, and I'd appreciate help starting out.
Edited by IamDeimos: 10/10/2015 12:03:23 PMlooking for full team 290+ fresh run ps4 add sluggs123
305 warlock looking to do raid for first time ps4 game tag same as above
290 Titan first time
Edited by iCaaargo: 10/10/2015 11:58:28 AMPS4 Hey guys! Two good day one players looking to do Kings Fall for the first time. Quick learners so just tell us what needs done. 290 Hunter and a 295 Titan. #LFG #Raid #KingsFall #Oryx PSN - iCaaargo & RossCrawford83