Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by iCaaargo: 10/10/2015 11:58:28 AMPS4 Hey guys! Two good day one players looking to do Kings Fall for the first time. Quick learners so just tell us what needs done. 290 Hunter and a 295 Titan. #LFG #Raid #KingsFall #Oryx PSN - iCaaargo & RossCrawford83
Edited by Luphrie: 10/10/2015 12:01:52 PMNo Exp, 291, Looking for a first run, PS3, sorry I ran out of Ps plus and dont have ps4 ttk so only 3... AlphitaDragonn
In the last month we have got 22 people to join are group an all have been helped in what they needed if you want to join a group / clan then join RARE ELITE !! If you still need to do the King fall raid because everyone else has done it an haven't got time for you then join us an we can help you do it , thanks agen for you time for reading this guys :) MIKEYSKILLS
Need 4 for fresh 295+ gt: same
Xb1 GT: Arcaus82. Day 1 Guardian, 295 light Hunter looking to do my 1st run at King's Fall, have mic send inv
293 light hunter looking for a fresh raid. Gt same as name
Looking for a group; it is my first run, 295 light hunter. PSN= The_DeadStroke_
Edited by ZlayingEvil: 10/10/2015 11:49:07 AMHunter 293 looking to try the new raid for the first time. No screaming kids, just friendly adults please. I have a mic and im from sweden Add me on Ps4: ZlayingEvil
ll 297 hunter wanting to do the raid for first time gt wombat killers
Experienced player looking to do kings fall raid for the first time. 294 Titan. GT ToddJW
Edited by Akuma: 10/10/2015 11:43:20 AMNeed 5 people for deathsingers cp 290 light and above 360 gamer tag ExpertThief17 message for invite kings fall raid
305 looking to finish raid for the first time have little experience
lvl 298 hunter, gt - mynameswilliam lvl 295 titan, gt - UK I JoKeRzZ Two dirty lil raid virgins looking for a fresh start Xbox One. Invite us pls!
Looking to do the raid for the first time on ps4 297 warlock add IMrSmith92
[PS4] About time I tried the raid out, looking for some chill people that wont mind this being my first run. I have completed MoT and gone flawless in trials just so you know I'm not dead weight.
Fresh raid msg ARealyMadMonkey for an inv.
Looking to do the raid for the first time I know the strats and can pull my own weight . 298 wlock with a spindle
296 warlock ps4 high impact sniper. JDee_W is tag
Deathsingers checkpoint 290 light and above message ExpertThief17 for invite 360
hey. raid vet here looking to teach 5 virgin players the rai. message me if you have never done it. need 2 more. gt same
Edited by I KNIVES I: 10/10/2015 10:18:31 AM300 Hunter on Xbox one with golgoroth cp looking to finish or fresh start and needs a full group or looking to form a new group. Don't have experience with anything past golgoroth no exp needed. GT same as above.
anyone running fresh on xbox1? 299 hunter with some experience, but know what to do at each stage of the raid
Looking to help ppl in the raid, experienced raider, willing to teach others. Msg for invite GT the same
Need 5 more for oryx cp. Must be 295+. GT Xavichon 360
I have sisters checkpoint and need help. Add MorphT14 on ps4
297 hunter looking for a fresh run. Xbox One GT: SteveEurkel