Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by LGMJRM: 10/10/2015 8:10:12 AMPs4 Me+2 290 light friends are raid experienced and are looking for people to help us through the kings fall raid for the first time.
Looking for 1 more Golgorath check point ran all the way to Oryx. Please have Mic. Send Sneaky Cow Man a Message
Hosting a fresh raid for Xbox 360. Gt same as above msg for inv.
292 Titan Just got TTK last week. Haven't done raid Can switch to Saint 14 and bubble I don't like to mess around in raids Xbox 360
Need 4 for sisters
Level 296 bubble titan with helm saint 14 looking for first run. Have mic and time speak English. Psn same as name. Ps4
Need 5 for sisters cp add Exclip_shadowz 290+ need mic know what your doing
Lvl 296 Titan looking to do first time run of Kings Fall. Have mic and time. Please add me if you think you can help. (PS4)
295 Titan looking for my first run through the raid. XB1 Invite: Queen of Venom
Edited by Cobalt: 10/10/2015 7:44:36 AMNeed 4 people. 291 hunter and 294 hunter. Fresh start. We both know very little. GT: Silencer3224 Xbox One
Edited by KING of FOXES: 10/10/2015 8:03:55 AM
Got my 3rd character(titan) 295 light now so ready for raid, done u heaps on other characters. Making a group so only people who have finished raid can join, must have strong sniper and lmg and must be 295+. Add Th3_Cr4zY_Cr0, starting fresh
294 hunter done sisters and pillars. Need group asap add escaperferrett
Fresh meat 293 self revive Lock looking for King Raid. Never been but will learn quick Gt: PWNSWORTH
Will help run people through oryx bores af send me a message if interested same psn as above.
302 warlock looking for golgorth cp psn TEXREAPER
Edited by its Puppies: 10/10/2015 7:29:59 AMOryx cp need one more. 295+ light. Msg for inv
Starting fresh raid gt same as above!
294 hunter looking for golgoroth onwards. Inv me. Gt above
Need 1 for kings fall. 290+ Goolius_Boosler
Need full team for first time light lvl 280 GT same as above invite
At oryx. 300+ . Have to know how to do it. I want to get it done not teach
296 warlock looking for fresh raid GT: IMr ILucifer
Need 2 more for Golgoroth cp. msg Super Elevated for invite. Please know what to do.
293 Titan looking to get into the dunk room, for science gt: onemorefate xb1