Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
293 Titan looking to get into the dunk room, for science gt: onemorefate xb1
Have orix cp want to do it from the start need 4 more have ran it to the sisters one time have some one its new to him. Need help. Gamer tag the same as you see. Xbox 1
Edited by Chief Ranville: 10/10/2015 6:21:31 AM292 Hunter Lf any cp, first time doing raid, already have an understanding on everything up to totems Xbone
297 Titan want to learn raid, watched the videos want to do it for real now GT: maxpower117
Anyone here on ps4 and needs a guide through the raid?
291 Titan Watched kings fall guides before No experience Just got it last week. Can switch to Saint 14 and bubble I don't like to mess around in raids Xbox 360
290 lock and 293 hunter looking for warpriest cp but will do fresh
Lvl 40 291 warlock, looking for fresh raid. GT above. Invite!
I am a 294 Titan and have some knowledge of the raid
I've done a little bit of the raid I would love to get father in it but no one is willing to help. anyone?
295 hunter have yet to attempt raid would love to learn it and hopefully finish it. Has mic Ps4 Flash31MMA
looking for 2-3 players for fresh start on King's Fall message me GT: LordVortex18 Xbox One
292 hunter and 299-301 Titan lookin for fresh raid run My buddy is new but I've already beaten a few times invite StrongStron Xbox one
291 Titan Raid experience but not kings fall Just got it last week. Can switch to Saint 14 and bubble I don't like to mess around in raids Xbox 360
Have 3 have one thats done a fresh run but has not completed, and 2 that are not. All are quick learners.
I need a raid team that needs a great relic runner. I'm light 295 and I'm great running the relic. I know some strats also
136 warlock practically a year two noob >_< looking for any raids just add me on xbox1
Have daughters cp And have a NEWB Lvl 297 and 294 Gt kayydubbs
Kings Fall, Golgoroth checkpoint on 360. We have 5 people and need one who isn't gay. Message Uraltugo
On xbox1 at oryx cp need two more. Tying to teach one of my friends. Gt realstyle21
294 Titan defender with WOL experienced with totems would like to learn the rest. Also wouldn't mind a fresh run. Inv me my Gt on X1 is same as here. Thanks
Need 3 for fresh run msg gt dragonbladec for invite
297 Titan of fresh KF GT: maxpower117
295 Hunter looking to do the raid for the first time. Would like to find a good group. Willing to listen to help with a quick run. Have sleeper simulant. Add me. PS4
xbox 1 We are at war Priest Check point we need 3 for Raid going to start at war priest and finish it! Message Sneaky Cow Man
Hey everyone I am a 296 hunter on xbox 360 and I have never run the raid before send me a message or reply if u wanna do the raid