Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Hey everyone I am a 296 hunter on xbox 360 and I have never run the raid before send me a message or reply if u wanna do the raid
Have 2 295's that have no experience doing the raid but are fast learners. Invite me if interested: bigOinthehizzy
LFG for fresh. 293 Hunter. This is my first time with this raid, but have beaten everything else numerous times. Quick learner and fun to play with. Also need to get those fragments:) Invite: Veganbobby
Edited by Amasesis: 10/10/2015 5:30:30 AM308 & 309 carrying ppl through raid need 4 X1 >
Need 1 for golgoroth, no experience needed, add timburke
297 warlock lfg golgorth cp ps4 gt is same as my name have mic would like to finish raid know the basics but have never completed it before
295 Titan LFG KF Raid (Minimal Exp but know basics) GT: Same Xbone Mic 'd and adaptable Plz Inv, I'd like to try it
Looking for a group to take me through King's Fall to show me how everything works. Light Level 283 Hunter PS4 DoneGoofed29.
Need two at oryx cp. trying to teach a friend so you need to be a patient player. Gt realstyle21
Edited by Tex1321: 10/10/2015 5:22:05 AM297 hunter and 297 warlock looking for a fresh run. minimal experience with kings fall. add PSN: Tex1321
295 Titan LFG KF Raid (New to raid, know basics) GT: Same Xbone Mic 'd and adaptable Plz Inv, I'd like to try it
At daughters of oryx need 4 add rocket-rogers
40 / 296 warlock PSN: narivus I've done the raid up to the sisters, but unfortunately have not gotten past it. Willing to learn and be taught the mechanics! Feel feel to add me on PSN, or shoot me a message with your PSN account.
Kings fall. Need 4 more. First time. J_truong16
Need 5 more for sisters cp must be 290+ message for inv gt same
Need 1 more for raid, at Warpriest. msg Amaya Slayz on Xbox One, MUST have mic
PS4 Titan at 290 with decent guns and such, looking to do my first Kings Fall raid. Message Rimbuldiin_Vurn
#ps3 Two guardians 40/286 hunter(nightstalker) 40/288 titan(sun breaker). Never done it before but want too!. No mics but we can listen well. Super keen. Thanks. I have knowledge from streams/vids.
290 Titan 300 weapons
296 Warlock looking to do the raid, some experience.. invite or message me GT: ecoe32
Edited by MaxPower117: 10/10/2015 4:54:31 AM298 Titan lfg for first crack Read/watched the videos, want to do it for real now Gt: maxpower117
*Ps3 *292-295 (depends on weapon) *Hunter *First time on THIS raid Not looking to be "carried", just want to do the Damn raid lol
Xbox1 292 light hunter need fresh Gt: o tweaker
298 warlock looking to complete the raid first time I Have Oryx Cp PS4
Edited by MetricPenguin7: 10/10/2015 4:45:22 AMI'm 292 Titan looking to do raid on Xbox One. 1st time but have knowledge up to warpriest. Gt: MetricPenguin7 (not Pegasus)
Titan and warlock 296 light looking to do raid. Message Gt same as name above