Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
need one more for totems dont need exp just a willing to play and learn be over 290+ msg nickyyy007
Need 4 for Golgoroth gt same as above
Warlock light 295 lfg Kings fall. Have done up to the before the sisters GT. Nilawin88
Edited by idlemunchkin: 10/24/2015 11:25:57 AMWe need 3 more people for golgoroth cp.We are new to the raid. Psn is same as above. Add me to join.PS4
296 Warlock looking for fresh KF normal. Done up to Golgoroth. Ps4 Gt: Base-NL8
On xbox one. we are inexperienced and need help. need three more for raid. We are light levels 295, and 294. Msg gt above
My clan and I will be running raids now on the Xbox 360 we need 3 people What you need to join Mic and 290 light that's it oh and not be an asshole Other than that we are looking for clan members as well so if you enjoy yourself with us then go ahead and join up We will help as well if your almost at 290 light and have not ran the raid let us know we are trying to build a community to help others reach and run the raids we all have the same goals get lvled get gear and have fun and we are here to do just that We are also attempting to get raid groups to run every weekend so we always have groups to play with if that's your thing join up Thanks for reading and hope to see you guys soon Gamertag - alchemy07 (xbox360)
Looking for 2 people to help a team that's not that experienced at falls raid if anybody is keen to help msg SausageSmvggler. Xo sausage
Edited by JmMac38: 10/24/2015 5:13:45 AMNeed three to run friends thru for first time. Starting fresh add me PSN
300 hunt lookin todo the raid for the first time on xb1 gt J Quay
292 Titan. Maxed truth first time.
293 hunter. Looking for someone to help me with kings fall ps4. Add andoman108
Titan 295 looking for anything (full or cp) not first run but only got to totems add d0ublejay0402 psn please
Looking to join fresh kf normal 294
Trying to run my friend through the normal raid need four guys that are going to stick it out and do it with us. Add freshh_and_kling
Looking for a fresh raid party only completed one other time up to the sisters add doc_bo_jangels ps4
Starting fresh raid for anybody who hasnt done it that wants a bit of help. Psn same
Looking to run fresh raid. Willing to help out newbies. Gt realzero777
Looking for totems on hard i am a 305 titan add sonic200
looking for team for fresh raid normal, furthest I've reached is golgoroth if anyone willing to help would be awesome! username is above
299 Titan I am experienced but not that much My mic doesn't work but I can still hear My gamertag is the same as above.
Hunter 296 Titan 293 No experience in Kings fall raid Looking to go through Have mic, decent weapons Willing to learn and listen Ps4 gt obzenity13
Looking for a group of 5 to do kings fall. I have 296 hunter and a 293 titan. No experience running this raid but do have raid experience in general..have decent weapons, a mic. Not looking to be carried but rather to learn
need 3 for war priest gt same as above
Looking for help on raids (first time) add please = RHINORAGEE
Edited by The Navajo96: 10/23/2015 10:12:49 PMLooking for 4 for fresh Oryx raid on normal. Message GT: The Navajo96 for invite. No real requirements. First come, first serve. Xbox 360