Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Titan and warlock 293 looking for fresh raid msg shark101202
295 Titan looking for first kings fall completion. Have done parts, seen videos, I know what to expect. A cool group would be much appreciated.
need 4 at Oryx, msg for inv, GT same as above
Need 3 for fresh run message gt ransom26 for inv xbone
Need 2 for sisters no experience needed we will explain
Hunter, light level 291. Xbox one gt: Amaya Slayz. Invite <3
Edited by DirtCake007: 10/10/2015 3:25:40 AMI've never done kings fall but I'd really like to so if someone wants another player I'm game. GT: DirtCake007 Light: 291/292 Lvl: 40 Class: Warlock Subclass: Varies System: XB1 Friend me or message me if you'll have me.
Edited by Oddcrazygamer: 10/10/2015 3:22:28 AMI am looking for a group running a fresh run invite me if you need someone I am a 297 Hunter. Gt Oddcrazygamer I am on xb1
Looking for help on Crota's End & King's Fall, i'm on x360 and my gt is : XxTheArcherzxX
I am looking to kill oryx 298 light invite MilitantZealot1
Need one for fresh
Need people who haven't done the raid. Need to be 290+ Don't look for a carry I want all people who haven't done it. Have a few hours to play, and just want to have fun and do kings fall.
Need one at gorgoth must be experienced 290 + please Gt chowder530
invite Amaya Slayz, light level 291
299 hunter looking for a raid team invite me xbox one tsupra90
looking for help on fresh raid, quests, and basically ppl to play wit. hunter 289 light. PSN: Ace-demon15
need 1 for oryx cp need touch of malice message: xdaarzz : for invite
inv Amaya Slayz on Xbox One. no mic but I can hear you! <3
Need 2 for sister cp
New to the raid but will follow instructions add me at xXMRBENDOVERXx 294 warlock
Need 5 for fresh run. Experienced . Message INitrous v for invite
Need 4 people for fresh. Add New-pandazz
Hunter, light level 291. Experienced player, Xbox One. invite Amaya Slayz. thanks loves <3
Psn: SecondGear_ 293 light (First-timer) Looking for a fresh raid
New raid, light +285, msg me under the exact name^
Need 1 more at Golgoroth cp. msg Super Elevated. This is a first time for some players so if you have done it before please be willing to be patient and help.