Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
295 light warlock I have the oryx cp haven't finished the raid but I'm a quick learner add shinji5621
Just spent all night at Oryx CP and still couldn't finish If a group would help me do it I will be eternally grateful I'm a 302 lock Add NooBPhoeniX
looking for 4 more to do fresh run. please have experience as we dont have time to teach unfortunatly. send a message to GT: THE TRUE PLEB (xbox1)
Ps4 Crrj4e
Looking for two more message me GT SparxSLX
I'm a lvl 290 hunter looking for group to do raid or nightfall can not mic tho add me same name
Edited by GoldenSphinx-96: 10/10/2015 2:20:43 AMNeed people for raid add Gt above (ps4)
Need 2 for fresh kings fall I'm introducing much friend to the raid add Dark_AUG
299 Titan looking for fresh kingsfall
288 titan lf a run gt Xsados inv me
2 296s completed everything up until oryx looking fresh add genracer92 to party
Need 1 oryx cp
Need a full team to do the raid with, 295 and up pls. GT FoxHawk46
294 hunter, have done no raids, period. Ps4. Looking to do any raid. Psn same as user name. Add me if you can help. Have mic.
LF raid 296 lock add x-god-omega-x
Looking for kings fall group, add Avol8r
have a warlock and a titan ready for raid 296+. message savage3006 or sickgeneralsid Xbox One
I'm a 294 warlock looking to join a fireteam for the kings fall raid on the one. Invite or message me at xXMRBENDOVERXx
Edited by Raam: 10/10/2015 2:02:15 AMPs4; First time running Kings Fall, need two more to guide us through. Add PSN: RAAM_Z07
Add Ecm04 need 2 more guys doing raid. I got a checkpoint at Wizards You need to be 297 + light Have Good sniper and machine gun or rocket Need to have a mic Done the raid completely, I will check to see that you have done it. And add me I am not adding anyone
Ll 294 warlock lf group on ps4 Psn: arrowpulse
Need 4 for fresh must be 290+ and have beaten the raid before like myself not carrying message me Gt Armed Warrior24
Need 2 more for fresh run msg Sloth Demon 685
Need 2 296+ oryx cp message gt tag reckless
I have a squad of two need 4 more on X1. Level 293 Titan and 295 Hunter. Looking for anyone who has experience with the raid we can take directions. Message me. GT SparxSLX