Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Looking to do raid. Gt blackace136
Looking to do raid. Have done it up to before Golgoroth. 295 warlock in ps4 - tfkdude89
Lvl 297 warlock with all subclasses unlock, black spindle and mic looking for a team who has a war priest cp so if you are interested add me. GT: THEGUYILOSTTO -I have beaten the war priest before. Xbox 360
Looking for some newbies to run a fresh raid please have 290+ light and a good sniper. If you don't its cool but more difficult send a message for invite gt P99Z
PS3. Looking to do the raid for the first time, 292 Hunter with mic. I've watched some videos on it but their's still some parts I'm not that clear on. I'll follow directions. Add same as above. Thanks in advance!
need one for oryx checkpoint msg gt: St morphine xbox one
Need 3 for oryx cp LIGHT 295+ MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING gt same as above
Need 4 for Taken King raid light 290+ on ps4 add x_noryuck_x
291 guardian lookin to take a crack at the taken king raid for the first time. Very experienced in raid and the game. Invite me if ya want. Mexicanman03 on Xbox one
Need 2 for oryx cp. message: xdaarzz :for invite
Need 2 for oryx cp. message: xdaarzz :for invite
Looking to do raid. Gt blackace136
Need 4 people who have never done raid before. Willing to help and guide everyone through. If you have done it and are willing to help someone else out, please feel free to send a message. Thank you
Need 2 for oryx cp. message: xdaarzz :for invite
Me and my friend looking for oryx cp Both Titans I'm light 298 He's 298 I've done oryx before He's done everything up to oryx Gt:Slime n Snails Message or invite
Lvl290 warlock looking to join raid Gt latestdruid
Need 3 for fresh king's fall, willing to teach inexperienced players, just need to co operate and be 290+ light
Need 2 at daughters you must have touch of malice message me for inv
Need 5 for fresh, 298 light. 286+ light plz.never done it btw
Need 3 for oryx cp LIGHT 295+ MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING gt same as above
294 warlock, experience through golf or other looking for full clear. Add blaeza06.
Need 2 players for raid checkpoint totem Dx karma xbox one
Need 3 for oryx cp LIGHT 295+ MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING gt same as above ps does't mean you have to have done it just know what your doing
Wtf i see a bunch of posts that require this experience and that light level. Isnt this post for newbies who dont want to deal with the pressure?
Edited by Loethrik: 10/10/2015 12:32:46 AMNeed 3 for oryx cp LIGHT 295+ MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING gt same as above xbox1