Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
Edited by Loethrik: 10/10/2015 12:32:46 AMNeed 3 for oryx cp LIGHT 295+ MUST KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING gt same as above xbox1
looking for Raid....296 Warlock...Exp through Golgoroth Pls add: PSN: t_mactx
At the sisters. Must have experience and must have beaten the raid before. Add sekaplan to join
297+ Hunter looking to learn the ins and outs of the Kings Fall raid Msg me for invite. GT the same on XB1
Edited by Dark Maelstr0m: 10/10/2015 12:30:00 AMNeed five for golgoroth cp, msg or inv Dark Maelstr0m 298 hunter
Edited by Lunetax: 10/10/2015 12:34:49 AMxb1: 296 hunter looking for fresh run KF, done it once up until sisters, but still looking to learn and pratice more.
290 hunter doing fresh never done it ps4 add Gidomaquafoplert
Edited by Heavy Ammo: 10/10/2015 12:14:18 AM293 Light Warlock on Xbox One looking for a raid group. Got the hours to spare and I have seen how the first parts done, joined and completed the jump puzzle in someones raid, and was taught how to complete the next part with the plates before everyone had to go. Invite... x Sparkkyyy Edit: Was also told how to kill the ogre, but I honestly don't remember because I never actually fought the ogre. They just started it and we messed around since ppl left.
292 warlock for fresh have experience with other raids just haven't done this one yet if you wouldn't mind helping me out
284 light titan looking for a run gt xsados invite me! I also have a mic
Edited by GoggsNB: 10/10/2015 12:13:28 AMI am light 294 need 5 for fresh kings fall raid add Dragonwizard456 290+
Edited by monts213: 10/10/2015 12:17:01 AMLooking to join a fireteam warlock l295 add monts213 ps4
Is there anyone going to start a fresh raid on x1? Never done it .. GT same as above
Looking to join a fresh run im warlock 291 light honestly never done it before but jm sure i can hold my own
Exp 298 looking for fresh run
pls I want to do kings fall add Gidomaquafoplert I'm on ps4
293 titan never did this raid looking to join group invite me gt above
297 titan with no experience wanting to do the raid. Please add ajay655.
Looking for two more. Noobies looking to have fun and learn
Looking for fresh run to get all calcified fragments have done raid before xbox1 gt same as above
294 Titan beaten through ogre fresh run if possible pen GauerPower23
Need one for a party of mostly new and 2 slightly experienced. Psn is NoHandLuke. Would love the help from an experienced player who doesn't mind being patient and helpful.
GT: athor2222_2010 (PS4) 297 Warlock - wanting an easy going group to do raid with. I want to start from the beginning and get as far as I or we can. Pls msg/inv me.
Edited by irollin810: 10/9/2015 11:54:39 PMPS3. Looking to do the raid for the first time, 292 Hunter with mic. I've watched some videos on it but their's still some parts I'm not that clear on. I'll follow directions. Add same as above. Thanks in advance!
Psn Typical_Rocky Titan lvl 293 Looking for fresh
LFG for King's Fall...Watched instructional vids, but never done it...Invite Militant Cupid on Xbox live for 292 warlock