Looking for a raid buddies... without the constraints of 305+ this 310 sniper that...
We all have to start somewhere... post here for expert players to help and teach the less fortunate and new or players looking to learn the ropes...
Minimum requirement....... wanting to give it a crack....
Now does it not feel good helping each other.... The light shines on....
Or message me direct and I will try and point you in the right direction...
********* Mind and add your platform keeps everyone right ********
Top trending.... feel the love of the hippo
LFG for King's Fall...Watched instructional vids, but never done it...Invite Militant Cupid on Xbox live for 292 warlock
293 titan looking to join to do raid for first time invite me gt above
Edited by Cankle J: 10/9/2015 11:42:47 PM298 titan with a daughters cp. On XB1. Willing to invite or join other group. I have not completed the raid yet.
I'm a 295 hunter looking for team to run with never have done raid so it will be my first time message me invite gt same as above any help will be great been stuck at 295 for awhile now Xbox one
GT: athor2222_2010 297 Warlock - wanting an easy going group to do raid with. I want to start from the beginning and get as far as I or we can. Pls msg/inv me. Thx. If your a 300+++ Destiny expert/elite that just missed the cut off to be on cover of the game pls look else where. I am not experienced!! I have a job during the day.
Edited by XxDarthZeldrisxX: 10/9/2015 11:41:25 PMHi i am trying to finish the raid and i need some help as i have no fireteam. My hunter light is 277 and warlock at 286. My psn is cheesypoofs327
Never done kings fall raid looking for 5 guys. wont quite untill its done light lvl 294 hunter. Add psn TeufelHundKrieg
Looking for a group of 4 Psn Typical_Rocky Titan lvl 293 Also with Psn destielsinceday1 Hunter lvl 292 Looking to do fresh raid.
292 Warlock looking to have a first go at the raid, willing to listen and learn
295 titan I'm trying to get my first raid done if anyone one is willing to hook a guardian up Gt poundedpine0 Xbone
295 titan I'm trying to get my first raid done if anyone one is willing to hook a guardian up Gt poundedpine0
Need 2 fresh kings raid add pinkykillu
need a new fireteam. never done the raid :( msg me. gt: i ate a llama
297 warlck , been to golgorath, know what to do but need practice there , looking to finish it this weekend,
Anyone willing to take an experienced player (292) with a mic though the raid for the first time? Add fourtwizz
296 sunbreaker titan looking to learn the raid inv KrazyCloud420
Warlock light295 locking for fireteam add monts213 ps4 don't have mic but I could listen for instructions
need 3 for the raid bring the light and gear you got msg gt: SchultzyBare
Need 4 for fresh run on Kings Fall. Please be experienced. Message Elite Mephobic for an invite.
Group of 3 looking for fresh run, learn the raid and have fun!
First time, but war priest cp. Add: j-wall22
300 Titan+Warlock -|- KINGS FALL ORYX -|- - need 3 more - be experienced - be 300 plus - have a sniper
Edited by Sam Shady13: 10/9/2015 11:24:26 PM297 titan looking for a fresh run on the raid. I have done it many times. Message StL Sam Shady Xbox One
War priest cp, buy my first run. Anyone welcome add: j-wall22
ORYX cp, 290 /300 +must not be beginner or boot, msg blood16 for inv.
297 warlock. Have only done a little of the begging of the raid once before. Trying to do the whole thing. Send me an invite or message if your needing someone else in your fire team FirePlum2536521